Welcome to ASK AN EGG DONOR™ – excerpts from my monthly, chatty column where you’re invited to ask me anything about egg donation. (You can read my full column each month here.) If we need an expert medical opinion, I’ll put on my journalist hat and ask. That said, please note … Read More »

About Alicia Young
Alicia Young is a journalist, speaker, and author of the award-winning Two Eggs, Two Kids: An egg donor’s account of friendship, infertility & secrets. Based in Houston, she has a background in social work counseling and journalism and has volunteered at a leprosy hospital in India. In her spare time, Alicia handles parasols and power tools with equal ease (not really, but she helpfully holds the flashlight when needed). Follow Alicia @AskAnEggDonor and at her blog, Savvy Life. Got questions? Email Alicia at askaneggdonor@hotmail.com. ASK AN EGG DONOR™ content © 2015, Alicia Young