We are not even one month into the 115th Congress, and once again a Sanctity of Life bill (H.R. 586) has been introduced into the House. This bill gets introduced every year — we’re going on 12 years now — but never gets passed. So, here’s the thing: We now have a Republican-controlled Congress, and Vice President Pence is a vocal supporter of the personhood movement.
Personhood, in a nutshell:
Instead of criminalizing the act of abortion, personhood bills seek to codify embryos as people while legalizing the rights of the “person” created at the moment of conception, thereby making abortion a crime. While personhood bills are aimed at stopping abortions, they also end up hurting anyone who needs IVF in order to become a parent.
As I’ve written in the past, personhood is a great big lie when it claims to be “pro-life” or “pro-family.” It’s anything but pro-life or pro-family as personhood bills prevent fertility clinics from practicing IVF safely — if at all.
It’s time to get to work: Tell Congress to vote NO on H.R. 586. RESOLVE has a handy letter you can email to your Representative right from their website. Go and do it like right now.
If your representative is any one of these 23 men (as of Jan. 23), please call them and them tell that anyone who needs medical intervention like IVF to have a family — the infertility community, LGBT couples, single prospective parents — that H.R. 586 takes away their right to create a family of their own. And if that H.R. 586 takes away your right to build your family how you see fit, then give ’em hell.
Call them every day at 202-225-3121 and tell them why H.R. 586 is a shit piece of legislation and how it affects you.
Email your representative. Send them a postcard.
Visit them at their local and/or DC office.
And don’t stop taking action until they really hear you and H.R. 586 is defeated.
Would you please start a petition on Change.org? I’d love to sign it, and know that many of my friends and family would too.