Guest Post by Adopt1soon
We would like to share our journey in the hopes that we might help someone else who is struggling with infertility.
We were married in 2005 and due to several mortgages that needed to be resolved we waited until 2007 to start trying to have a baby. We were both older: I was 35 and he was 39 when we got married. We tried for a year and it was clear early on that we were not going to have an easy time having a baby. We were both tested and my husband was diagnosed with sperm issues but we thought the issues were under control. After several attempts with IUI and, knowing that because of religious issues we wouldn’t be going forward with IVF – we took a break.
We were told in 2010 that our chances were slim but we were never told that our chances were none. Fast forward two years after acupuncture and no positive results, we had a consultation with another reproductive endocrinologist in the same office. He told us our chances were equivalent to being struck by lightning due to my age and my husbands issues.
It was actually a relief to know we had an actual answer as to why we weren’t being successful. Our doctor suggested embryo adoption.
We were not quite prepared for the mountain of paperwork and stress related to applying for adopting an embryo, but it seemed like it was our best option. After much homework and prep, we were on our way to the embryo adoption clinic in another state. Unfortunately, we got more negative news. Our dream of having our own baby ended pretty swiftly.
We knew quickly that we needed to move onto traditional adoption.
We interviewed with a local agency; and once again, there was more paperwork – most of which was a repeat of what we did for the embryo adoption. The process and expense were made all that much harder by having to repeat everything again when all of the information was put together just four months prior.
While this journey has been hard, long, and frustrating, we have felt – and still feel – that the journey will end happily… we don’t know yet when that will be.
We were matched with our birth mom in June 2014. Our son was born December of that year and became our son officially in August 2015. He is a sweet, cute, beautiful baby and we are truly happy that we followed the path we did even with all of the heartache. It sounds cliche, but it was very much truly worth all of the negative along the way. We hope to pursue another adoption in about a year.
About the Author
Adopt1soon and her husband have struggled with multiple medical issues causing infertility for 5 years. They started the application process for adopting a baby in 2013 and were matched with a birthmother in 2014; their son was born in December of that year.