This Sunday, 9/27, Larry, Judah, and I will walk in the first-ever New England Walk of Hope, sponsored by RESOLVE New England and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. The Walk of Hope recognizes the many ways in which families are built, supports local support services and programs for the 7.3 million women and men living with infertility, and raises public understanding of how the disease of infertility impacts families nationwide.
It’s been a long journey here at The Infertility Voice. I’m sure it’s more than obvious why we’re walking this Sunday in the Walk of Hope, but I think it’s important to put it down into words, like I have on every other step of my journey to becoming a parent.
This is why I walk:
I walk because no matter how hard our journey through infertility was, we always put one foot in front of the other. We kept going, even when we had no idea where our path would lead us.
I walk because I’m not ashamed of my infertility and because I’m proud of the amazing way our family has come into being.
I walk because there’s nothing like the moment when you watch your son take his first steps – a moment we’d longed for and for a time, wondered if we’d ever experience because of the uncertainties of infertility.
I walk because I want my son to know that he was wanted and is loved more than he could ever know.
I walk because our dream of a family came true – and I want to give back to an organization and a community that was there for us from day one of our infertility journey – so they can help others still waiting for their turn to become parents.
I walk knowing that I’m arm-in-arm with so many of you who’ve walked with me all these years, however virtually or even in person.
I walk because our infertility stories matter – and they should be heard.
You can help me reach our fundraising finish line for the New England Walk of Hope here by making your tax-deductible contribution online – and any amount helps and will make a difference for so many.
Thank you all for your love and support.
I want to copy and past this to my site….I am walking in the first-ever Chicagoland Walk of Hope this coming Sunday October 4, and I walk for many of the same reasons you walked. Thank you for being a part of my journey and allowing me to be a part of yours. After all, without RESOLVE, I wouldn’t have found the friends I have today.