What a year, folks!
It’s hard to believe that we’re ready to kiss 2012 goodbye and ring in the new year in just a week. Even though it hasn’t yet been a full year here at this website, it’s been an incredible ten months here all the same, and I have each of you to thank for that!
2012 has been a year of experimenting: finding out what works here and what doesn’t, what you want and what you need. Come 2013, I’m hoping to hone that even further with some new events and services to offer to you here… but mum’s the word until I get those plans finalized. My goal for 2013 is to get you even more connected to one another as readers and get you the support and empowerment you need along your infertility journeys.
Before we say goodbye to 2012, I wanted to revisit some of biggest hits of the last ten months here at The Infertility Voice. Google Analytics has spoken, and here are some of the top ten posts at The Infertility Voice this year! Let’s take a look back through the year, shall we?
The Infertility Voice: Top 10 Posts of 2012
1. An Announcement, a Proposal, a Prayer and a Promise
October 2012: The post I both longed to write and never believed I would finally get to write.
2. How NOT to Do a Talk Show on Infertility
October 2012: Seriously, Ricki Lake… that show was a trainwreck. The comments to this post also spawned some interesting discussions, with actual guests from that episode of the Ricki Lake Show adding their insight into the production process.
3. Sorry Disney, Wishing a Child Into Existence Doesn’t Cure Infertility
July 2012: My pre-emptive review of Disney’s magical infertili-tale, “The Odd Life of Timothy Green” and a plea for realistic portrayals of infertility in film and media.
4. Don’t Ignore Someone You Know
April 2012: My National Infertility Awareness Week Bloggers Unite contribution illustrating the prevalence of infertility in American society.
5. To Mom or Not to Mom
October 2012: The first of the five-part open salon I wrote with Pamela of Silent Sorority on the culture of “mommyhood” in America.
6. Buy, Buy Baby
May 2012: In which I get down to brass tacks about the disparity of cost and access for infertility treatments, and some of the unconventional ways to help offset those costs.
7. My Infertility Playlist
January 2012: While still technically a post from my old website, this post clocked up a ton of views as I shared some of my favorite tunes that have inspired or been cathartic for me on my infertility journey.
8. Voices of PCOS: Melissa’s Story
September 2012: A guest post from Melissa of With Every Heartbeat, my second annual Voices of PCOS series was a hit. (PS: Want to be be featured in September 2013? Shoot me an email!
9. Seeing Pink, Blue and Green
October 2012: A candid, terrified admission about the perilous, largely unsupported territory that is pregnancy after infertility.
10. Eat, Drink and Be Merry – Or Don’t: An Infertility Holiday Survival Guide
November 2012: My round up of the 8 best pieces of holiday coping advice, from 8 trusted resources.
11. Bonus! Keiko’s Favorite Post: Pulling in the Oars
October 2012: The night before beta, when literally everything was out of my control. This post was one of my most profoundly humbling spiritual moments and I am grateful to have shared that with you.
What was your favorite post here at The Infertility Voice in 2012?
The 2013 Call for Suggestions!
Here’s my challenge for you, in the comments. Between now and December 31st, I’d love to hear from you about post ideas you have or topics that you’d like me to write about in 2013. Whether it’s a family building option, more information about my own journey, interviews with specific people (if I can get them, of course), specific book/resource/website/product reviews – I want to hear it! Leave your ideas in the comments.
One Last Fun Thing
A week ago, I posted a status on The Infertility Voice Facebook page to find out where folks were coming from. The responses were overwhelming and it’s so neat to see just how global you all are! If you ever think for a second that you’re alone in this journey, this map proves you otherwise:
Zoom in, scroll around – you’ll see that this website has reached people all over the globe! If you don’t see your city on here, leave me a little note in the comments and I’ll add it. I’d love to see this map grow as we close out 2012 and welcome 2013.
Wishing everyone who celebrates a wonderful Christmas holiday this week!
One thing I’ve been thinking about lately is what to do with my un-opened meds that I no longer need, as well as the needles to go with them. Do you know about any programs that you can donate those meds to that will in turn get them to people who can’t afford them? Or maybe write a post about how to create such a program? I’d really like to give my meds to someone who can’t afford them.
Add me sweets! I must have missed the FB call.
I’m in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. And how wonderful that your writing has reached so many! THAT is what blogging is all about. The support. The friendships. The real connection that the Internet can provide to one and all. Thank you for continuing to give so much to this community. Lots of love to you and Larry, and the Knish! 🙂