It’s November 1st. You know what that means.
NANOWRIMO, beeyotch! (For those not in the know, NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month.)
This is my fourth year making a for reals, honest to goodness attempt to “win.” The prize? The bragging rights to say I have written a 50,000 word novel. In just 30 days. Also, some nice swag if I do in fact, “win.”
November is also NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month over at BlogHer. So I figured hey – I’m already writing a minimum of 1700 words daily, what’s a few hundred more?
And then I thought: HEY! I have ANOTHER blog too. Why don’t I do NaBloPoMo at BOTH blogs?!
*cue maniacal laughter*
Because folks: I have apparently lost my g-ddamn mind.
My friend Carrie shared with me her November plans: she’s participating in NO!vember, that is – for 30 days, she’s saying NO! to any new projects. I kind of like her idea better 🙂
Thankfully, this year should go a lot better than years past where I’ve tried to do all of this at once. BlogHer has some great NaBloPoMo prompts and I’m really, really, really excited about my novel for NaNoWriMo. Tomorrow, I’ll give you a little taste. But what makes this year different than others? I have an outline. AND AN ENDING. Hallelujah, praise the Lord.
So check back here and at my other blog, Words Empowered, every day this month for tons of writing fun. In fact, I’m hosting a fun giveaway during the month of November over at Words Empowered, so if you’re looking for a little blog makeover worth over $400 – head on over for your chance to win!
It’s gonna be one crazy month.
I hope you’ll join me every day this month for the madness.
Signed up. Posted on my blog. Today’s is a biggie…
I just officially signed up myself. This will be the perfect parrallel project to my Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction efforts, right?
Oh my Lord, Keiko. You HAVE lost your mind! Newly pregnant, two blog projects for two blogs?!? Has the pregnancy exhaustion not hit yet? All I can think about is eating and sleeping. Even writing this comment is making my brain hurt. You are a beast!
Cheers to you and good luck! I don’t think anyone will blame you if you fall off the wagon a little. But knowing you, you’ll stay on top if it! 🙂