Gentlemen who have come to this post: you should probably leave. Ladies with weak stomachs: this is your last warning, too. Bail before you get entirely too much info about my vagina.
So, I thought I was in happy Crinone town, like “Look at me! I’ve avoided the dreaded goop everyone’s warned me about!”

Here I was, trotting about all la dee da! when I decided to investigate my situation in the shower yesterday.
Dootdadoo, fingers in my hoohah like a cervical mucus check and – wait, what’s this odd texture and –
Apparently, my vagina must be the Cave of Wonders because after a solid week of Crinone use, none of the goop had managed to work itself out. And boy howdy, was there a lot. Thank goodness I’m super comfortable with my own body, but this was terrifying.
It was a like a clown car of cottage cheese styrofoam shreds… just bizarre, gross, and never-ending. I think I spent a solid twenty minutes trying to get the goop out from my hoohah in the shower. And given that I’ve begun growing out my nails instead of biting them – yeah, not a pleasant experience. I would have totally curled up into a ball and rocked myself in the shower when I realized, oh right – I’m already in the shower.
Note to self: visit the Cave of Wonders periodically and um, do a little cleaning.
So gross. *shudders*
Look, makers of Crinone: there’s gotta be a way to make a gel that absorbs entirely without leaving behind a cottage cheese warehouse in my vag. This is 2012. Let’s make this an R&D priority, please.
Anyone have Crinone goop scoop tips?
Omg this is hilarious, I am experiencing the goop for the wretched 4 time now and it’s still gross, best of luck girls 🙂
I’ve had the pleasure of using Crinone for four previous transfers (3 fresh & 1 frozen) and right now I’m preparing for my 5th shot at this IVF thing and they’ve added vaginal Estrace to the mix. I thought Crinone alone was bad, but dear God, when the goop turned teal I wanted to throw up. There seems to be no end to the horror of IVF. Definitely stock up on liners/light pads.
Gotta love that goop! Note that it can also change colors to pretty much anything under the sun. I remember calling my RE’s office in a panic when I had avocado green goop coming out. Ick. But it was worth it for the three month old baby girl we now have thanks to IVF! Embrace the goop!
I’ve never experienced “the goop” as I had needles in my bum for 10+ weeks haha. But this post gave me a nice laugh. I hope it’s a very goopy experience (unfortunately) for the next several weeks for you.
The visuals in this are spectacular. You and your vagina have my sympathies!
Ugh, I can’t believe I’m saying this but… bear down when you do it. Helps push it down a little. *shudder* I hate that stuff,
Shelley. SHELLEY! YOU’RE PREGNANT TOO OMGWTFBBQ!!?!! Sorry, sorry – I’m okay now.
I would suggest taking it at night and then laying down. I didn’t seem need pantyliners and didn’t have the overall nasty feeling.
I would ask your doctor if “cleaning house” is a good idea. By the time it turns into the cottage cheese substance has the progesterone already made it into your body? Or should you keep it there (as nasty as it is) and get the full dose. I never asked my doctor (but then again i never became pregnant).
Yeah… many people apparently find my blog via a post I wrote about just this very experience. Daily maintenance is my best suggestion.
One of the biggest sources of traffic to my blog? An image of Ron Burgundy from “Anchorman.” Go fig. Do you have a link to your goop post? I’d love to read and compare notes 😉 I just, um, cleared out again this morning. Still just as horrifying.
The post in question is Not a great deal more info than you already have, but there it is FWIW. Have fun 😉
Such a lovely experience, right? Yes, panty liners are your friend when using this drug. I’ll have to agree with R&D needing to make some product changes. I do the finger sweep every other day, nice!
I suspected a goop post was going to come. It is horrific for sure! I would clean house every two or three days while in the shower. And panty liners are a must because every now and then your body will throw you a curve ball and you’ll be walking to an important meeting and “OH MY GOSH” a huge chunk will come lose and make you think an organ is creeping out.
OH, and panty liners are your friend!
Yeah, the cottage cheese… it isn’t painful, but it certainly is disgusting. I would get a shower and clean out like you did each night. Then I would put in the next does right before bed. I figured that it would get absorbed better if all that other crap wasn’t in there, right? I hope… I had some bleeding in my first 12 weeks, which when it turned to brown, made the scooping even more fun…
Ugh. It is gross, but soo much less painful than PIO, thank goodness for that.
Congratulations and good luck!!