I’ll just cut right to the chase.
Who’s got two thumbs and is going to be on The Katie Show?

Katie Couric, perhaps you’ve heard of her? 🙂 She has her own national daytime television talk show and I’m going to be on it!! I know I had put a teaser out there like, a month ago, and I only finally have the official okay this week to share it here on the blog. It feels wonderful to get this off my chest!
Okay, let’s answer some important questions.
How long have you been sitting on this?!
*whispers* Since late August. I know – I KNOW! Don’t kill me. I was contacted by the show through my blog and the rest is history.
What’s this episode of The Katie Show about?
Infertility! And, from talking and working very closely with the show’s producers, I’m excited by how infertility is going to be talked about and framed: less sensation, more compassion. A nice change of pace for our community, wouldn’t you say?
When’s it going to air?
I don’t have a specific airdate yet, but sometime in November. Obviously, I will let y’all know. Want to make sure you don’t miss it, or need to set your DVR to record it? Sign up for my eNewsletter list and you’ll be guaranteed to know as soon as my airdate is confirmed. I’ll have some decent notice since I’ll need to travel to NYC for the show taping.
Are you nervous and/or crapping your pants?
Yes, and plead the fifth. I will be on stage with Katie Couric as she interviews me live for the show. So, yes – definitely nervous. I hear wonderful things from the producers about how awesome Katie is to work with and if The Bloggess can do it, so can I.
What are you going to wear?
I DON’T KNOW! I DON’T KNOW! It’s driving me crazy because my Asian skin + studio lighting is going to be interesting. I’m thinking a nice jewel tone blue perhaps? I don’t know. And I’m growing out my hair and having hair issues BUT my nails have been fantastic, so I know my nails will look nice… it’s all kind of a jumble right now. This I know for sure: glasses, clean underwear, earrings of some sort. The rest, from wardrobe to hair to makeup is still TBD.
What else can you tell us?
They came to my house a few weeks ago to shoot some expository footage. They filmed the day our donor arrived (no, she will not be featured out of respect for our privacy and our disclosure preferences). They were here for ten hours, filming for very nearly the entire time; that footage will most likely be edited down to like, a one to three minute clip, max. It’s crazy! Television editing is fascinating. I had two cameramen, two producers and a freakin’ DOLLY set up in my house. Oh, and my cat Toro almost took out a lighting fixture because yanno, curiosity, cats and all that.
Also, one of my bucket list items was to be on The TODAY Show. But really, what it came down to was a chance to meet Katie Couric in person. And, instead of just a five minute segment with Matt Lauer at ass o’clock in the morning, I get a whole hour with Katie Couric instead. So, WAY better 🙂
Holy poop, you must be excited!
OMG I KNOW, RIGHT?! I’m like a Venti quad espresso, Red Bull and speed cocktail! Okay, maybe that’s a litte much. But yes, VERY VERY EXCITED.
Will you sneak your beta results early, then?
Nope 🙂 Nice try, though. Still gotta wait til Monday. Besides, I actually wrote this post Wednesday night, so technically, at the time of writing, I haven’t even gotten my beta results yet. But at time of you reading this, we’ll already have found out. Whoa – I think we’re in the Matrix.
Fire away any more questions you have in the comments below and I’ll answer what I can! There’s still a lot yet more I’m not sharing and you’ll just have to wait until the show to know more.
I know, I’m a pissa, right? 😉
wozzhers!!!!! so glad for you.. and for us… It will be such a treat to have you represent us and yourself on such a big stage. well done keeping this quiet. that would have been SO hard for me. enjoy ever minute!!!
Very cool!! I’ve never seen her show, but this episode I will have to see! congrats!!
Holy poop on a platter! Very cool! Congrats!
Super exciting! Glad that you’re out there representin’!
Totally cool!!! I’d be freaking out if I were you, LOL!
Woohooo!! 🙂 So glad that there will be such a passionate advocate sitting in Katie’s “hot seat’! PROUD OF YOU and proud to know you!
Wow! That really is amazing! And what an amazing thing for the infertility community! I am anxiously awaiting your results!! I truly hope it all works out for you!! So exciting!!
So exciting and well deserved! Hope you have to wear a big ass, jewel-toned blue mumu by then, girl! <3
WooHoo!!! I have been reading your blog for years now. I am always very inspired by you. You went from an anonymous blogger suffering from infertility to one of the biggest IF educators out there. You never cease to amaze me, Keiko. I am so proud to “know” you.
Such amazing news for such an amazing woman. Your future children are going to be so lucky to have you as a mother!
And after proofing my post, I feel like it sounds like I have inside info on the beta results and dont want to lead comment readers astray.. I just know that Some Day, Some way you will be a mother…
This is fantastic! I’ve been following your blot a couple years now and I love your writing, passion, and your contributions to the hidden world of IF. I’ll be cheering you on from my living room couch. And you have been in prayers everyday.
Wow, Keiko! I was expecting awesome, but not THIS awesome! You go girl!
(Hoping that you’re off celebrating tonight.)
That’s really exciting! Can’t wait! I truly hope you are celebrating tonight… for many reasons!
I can’t think of anyone better to be representing the ALI community. Congratulations Keiko! I know you’ll represent us well.
HOLY SHIZZ! This is the coolest thing ever! I am so, so, so excited to have such a passionate and informed voice for the ALI community on the television. No pressure! 🙂
Keiko, this is amazing news! I cannot wait to see the episode!! You’ll be not only The Infertility Voice, but the FACE too! Congrats!
Awesome!!!!! I am so excited for you, and for the ALI community. GOOD FOR YOU!
EEEEEEK! So exciting! Congratulations lady!
That is so amazing! I am so excited for you.
Wicked pissa.
SO COOL, Keiko! I am so happy that you’ll the the face of infertility for a day. That Katie is one savvy lady.
Can’t wait to watch it!
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant news. Do let us know. I’ll PVR the episode for sure!
I’m sending huge hugs today. I am sure you need hugs, whichever way Beta Day went. I hope your weekend is restful. Love and kisses from us. XOXOXOX
This is amazing! So proud of you and all the work that you are doing!
That’s SO FREAKING COOL! Hey, shoot me an email if you’ll have time to get together when you’re in New York. Can’t wait for your news Monday!
OMG congrats! I am so pleased that you will be representing the infertility community. I cannot wait to watch you. Amazing news!
Wow!!! That is so awesome! Can’t wait to see it!
Awesome!! Congratulations on getting to meet Katie! So cool! And, I hope that your beta results went well so you can share your good news on her show!
OMG! This is so freaking exciting, Keiko! It’s a huge thing and so totally cool that you get to go and be a voice for us on TV!
I’m so excited for you!!!! And for us – the infertility community! Great to have an advocate like you and a sensitive interviewer who will handle this appropriately. (Please, please, please, Katie., don’t let us down.)
Congrats Keiko! You will do a fantastic job speaking for the infertility community! Way to go! Can’t wait to see the show! Wardrobe tip: you need cool shoes too – you never know what the camera will pick up!
Holy freakin’ CRAP!!!! This is uh-maze-ing!!!!!
This is SO awesome!! Can’t wait to see it!
Wow!!! So exciting! Can’t wait see it.
That is super exciting!!! You and I are getting to do all sorts of amazing celebrity type things lately!
Congrats Keiko! So freakin’ exciting. I’m all about there being more honest portrayals of IF in the mainstream media. I’m glad Katie is taking this topic on, and I can’t wait to see you in all your glory on national TV! Yahoo!!
Wowee! Mazel tov there Girl!! You rock!