In just a few hours, I turn 30.
I will spend this evening most likely doing a load of laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and changing the cats’ litter. We’re having leftovers for dinner. I might even have a beer.
I know, I know – livin’ the wild life over here.
. . .
Tomorrow night, Larry’s taking me to Craigie on Main. We’re sitting at the Chef’s Counter and splurging for the tasting menu. He told me today that my birthday gift has arrived on time and I’ll be getting it at dinner tomorrow.
My current birthday wishlist includes:
- Two new pairs of jeans from Fashion Bug (because seriously, these are the only jeans that fit my stumpy legs and generous derriere)
- Linens for the bedroom (and/or a weekend and carte blanche bankroll to shop at IKEA)
- A natal chart reading
That’s it. No jewelry, no books, no concert tickets. Just jeans, linens, and an astrological reading.
Larry tells me I will receive none of these things from him. I’m not complaining. Rather, I’m intrigued. Although, with a lame birthday wishlist like mine, I pretty much have left the field wide open on birthday gifts.
“It had to be customized,” he told me.
Color me even more intrigued.
. . .
Larry took me to dinner for my birthday then, too. We went to Ortlieb’s Jazz Haus in Philly, which I was saddened to learn last year has since closed. We both got dressed up for an amazing night on the town, a preview of what much of my late twenties have been like.
When I turned 25, I got an air conditioner for my birthday. We had just moved up to Massachusetts the day prior. It was ungodly hot. We were living on our own in a brand new state. A countdown clock was ticking for me to find a job as Larry started his first full-time job outside of school. I was a little disappointed in the lack of fanfare for what I saw as a milestone birthday, but it was overshadowed by our epic move from Maryland to Massachusetts.
And here I am, on the eve of 30. On the precipice of “youth” and “okay, seriously, you have a mortgage now, so maybe you can finally consider yourself an adult already”.
. . .
When we got married four and a half years ago, I wanted to be pregnant by my 30th birthday.
. . .
In my early twenties, I felt myself going from such a focused idea of what I wanted to be in my life at that time, to suddenly feeling the blinders come off and having my eyes open to a world of other possibilities. When I went to college, I assumed I’d graduate a vocal performance major – with her teaching degree, of course – I’d teach to fill in the gaps when I wasn’t a world-class opera star. I came out, however, committed to pursuing a career in Student Affairs in higher education.
A lot of it was the result of some deep soul-searching and really coming into my own during college. As graduation day marched closer and closer, I realized that I felt kind of lost, wondering just what the hell I was going to do as a newly switched from Music to Communications Major. I latched on to Student Affairs because I was an RA, and my world was colored by the work I did in the residence halls.
It made sense at the time.
Seven years later, I left the field. I have no intentions of returning to higher ed.
I find myself in that same frame of mind when I was 22 years old, wondering what’s next, feeling the heat from things like Turning Thirty and Eventual Parenthood looming on the horizon.
In my late twenties, my last decade has been bookended by some deep soul-searching and coming into my own, largely as a result of finding out I have POF. It shook a lot of what I assumed about myself – and the kind of life I would make for myself – to the core. Suddenly, I find such use in a Communications degree using technology that didn’t even exist at the time I earned my degree by finding my voice in social media and blogging.
When I started my senior year of college, I distinctly remember thinking, “I have no idea what I want to do when I graduate. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.”
Even now, as a (struggling) freelancer and part-timer for an NPO, I still don’t know.
The only thing that’s come into focus since 2009 is that g-ddamnit: I want to be a mom. It fills so much head and heart space within me that I worry I’m blocking out other parts of myself that would otherwise flourish.
. . .
This song has been on loop in my head this past week:
We are young
So let’s set the world on fire
We can grow brighter
Than the sun
. . .
“Married with kids,” I probably would have said. “Living in a city.”
Having lived for 3 months in the heart of Boston, I laugh now at that sentiment. I hate living in the city. I’ll take an urbanized area with houses, please (which is why I love Salem so much).
My prediction for 40?
“Married with kids.”
Some things never change.
. . .
I think I will have that beer after all.
As for me, I think the older I get, the less plans I’m completely dead set on. At least the ones that I cannot control. I’ve learned that I’m not in control – and that’s kinda nice!
Hi from ICLW. I wish you a happy birthday and really hope you enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday and congratulations on your progress towards becoming a mother. I didn’t find out until after I was 30 that having kids would be difficult for me since my birth control masked the symptoms of my PCOS. Just lik eyou I have always wanted to be a mom but felt I had time. I got married in 2007 at 29 and went to business school soon thereafter figuring I would wait until graduation before having kids. Now at 34 it is finally happening with the assistance of IVF. Despite this long difficult road to parenthood that we have been on I truly deeply like my 30s, I feel settled and comfortable in my skin. Happy Birthday again and good luck to you!
Happy Birthday!! I always thought since we got married in our early 20’s I’d have a few kids by the time I was 30, thanks to infertility and loss that still isn’t true and I just turned 32.
I’ve read your blog for a long time and didn’t realize until now that our birthdays are on the same day!
I hope you have a great day!
I was watching Stephen Fry’s “America”: which featured Salem on Halloween, with a “witching” ceremony. All I could think was, Gah! Keiko would hate this.
Happy Birthday!! That navy blue dress is smashing on you. I hope your 30s are incredibly fabulous and filled with your dreams coming true: all of them.
Customized?? Color me intrigued…
Happy Birthday!!! I too had thought that I’d have children by the time I was 30, but then I reasoned with myself it wasn’t the ‘right time’, putting it off to the magic word of 40. I’m now in my 40’s, and I’m slowly becoming peaceful with the fact that I cannot have children of my own (adoption and surrogacy- maybe..but later on after grief).
Amazing how life always have surprises for us in every corner we take; it depends on each of us on how to respond to the surprise. Nevertheless, I hope the surprise you will get is going to enrich your life, from Larry 🙂
Happy birthday! I hope the next decade is marvelous for you!
I was just in Salem on a field trip with my class! We went to the Peabody Essex! I’m very jealous of your bday dinner – never been to Craigie. I hope it is wonderful.
Birthdays can be tough, but you have made incredible strides in your life. They may just not be the ones you expected.
Have a wonderful birthday. Welcome to you 30s…I think I am way better all around at 31 (almost 32) than I was at 20.
Happy birthday, Keiko! Your story sounds a lot like mine – communications undergrad… higher ed & student affairs masters … POF … married and still no kids by the eve of 30. Bummer. I have faith that you’re going to get there though, with your DE cycle coming up this summer! Maybe 30 will be the year we’ve been waiting for!