After several hours of travel from the East Coast to the West Coast, I’m happy to report that I’m here in sunny Santa Clara, California to attend BlogHer Entrepreneurs ’12.
If you’re just meeting me today from #BlogHerEnt12, hello! And I figure there are some new folks here via ICLW this week too, so hey, it’s introductions all around 🙂
I’m pretty pumped about the lineup of speakers and some very special one-on-one time for an entire hour with a professional mentor on Friday. I’ve also got 15 minutes in front of an editor from a major publisher, so you bet your sweet bippy I’ve brought along my book proposal. Besides the obvious benefits of networking and getting tips for growing clientele, I can’t wait to kick around ideas with this group of entrepreneurial leaders.
I’m here wearing two hats today: one for The Infertility Voice and one for Words Empowered. (Y’all do remember that yes, I do social media, content creation, and graphics design too, right?)
Here’s a little more about each entity I’m representing this week and my objectives for each. I figure since I’m networking with the amazing attendees and speakers for BlogHer Entrepreneurs here in Santa Clara, why not share my goals and objectives with the folks at home?
The Infertility Voice Elevator Pitch
As Founder and Writer of The Infertility Voice, I empower every infertility patient to live a fertile life, embrace hope, speak up & be heard, and be informed. I believe that every infertility story matters and I help women going through infertility tell their stories with the unique services I offer: through life coaching, therapeutic writing workshops, my two eBooks and blog, and grassroots advocacy for women’s health. I aim to create an open, compassionate dialogue about infertility as a disease on a national scale, one free from cultural silence and shame.
- Become a nationally-recognized media expert on the infertility patient experience in print, TV and online
- Publish a revolutionary book throwing open the doors on the infertility patient experience to catalyze this national dialogue
- Expand coaching clientele of those currently undergoing or about to undergo infertility treatment who are also either bloggers and/or open to alternative/complementary/mind-body fertility treatments
Words Empowered Elevator Pitch
As Social Media Consultant for Words Empowered, I help small businesses, companies, organizations and individuals develop content that matters to their customers and clients. Through social media strategy development, compelling content creation and a keen eye for custom graphic and web design, I use my unique voice and vision to craft your message to inspire connection, engagement, and action.
- Expand individual, small business and organizational client base for consistent social media and/or content creation development.
- Become a regular freelance contributor to at least two publications in print or online.
So there you have it. Here’s hoping to making the right connections over the next two days so I can realize this little gem of a fortune cookie fortune I carry around with me wherever I go:
Keiko, Glad to have met you at BlogHerEntrepreneur! Lets keep talking and keep in touch! Great objectives and goals.
Radhika, so great to meet you as well! I’m really excited to hear where things go for AgiVox – it’s such a great concept. Please do email me with details about setting up some trial runs of text-to-speech on my blog posts!
love your elevator pitches ~ very compelling!
and clear, thoughtful objectives. well done!
can’t wait to hear more about the conference.
Thanks Luna! It was a great experience. Elevator pitches are my nemesis, so I’m glad you liked them!