I just realized I left everyone hanging about my 2 Truths and a Lie icebreaker from last week.
Not cool, Keiko, not cool.
So, of the three statements below, two are truths and one is a lie. Can you guess which one it is?
- I sang at Carnegie Hall with an actress who stars in the upcoming Dark Knight Rises whose name I refuse to type.
- I have eaten brains from two animals: cow (sweetbreads – twice) and pigeon (squab).
- I have a thing for James May of Top Gear fame. Because yes, I have a thing for cars. Fast cars.
I sang at Carnegie Hall with an actress who stars in the upcoming Dark Knight Rises whose name I refuse to type: TRUTH!
I was in the 2000 All-Eastern Chorus and we just happened to be performing at Carnegie Hall that year. And She Who Must Not Be Named (that’s her actual name in my household and among all my friends that know me) just so happens to be from Millburn, NJ and JUST SO HAPPENED to be the Soprano I Section Leader from NJ, beating me out by THREE MEASLY POINTS when she clearly did not deserve the title of section leader because, hello, I clearly had better tonality than she did.
Yes, I realize I sound crazy and yes, I totally own that. If you’re lucky, maybe one day I’ll post the very unflattering picture I have of her from All-Eastern.
I have eaten brains from two animals: cow (sweetbreads – twice) and pigeon (squab): TRUTH!
It’s not like I’m eating them daily but I have had them. Their flavor is fairly unremarkable, just kind of chewy. My husband has made me an adventurous eater and I wear that badge with pride.
I have a thing for James May of Top Gear fame. Because yes, I have a thing for cars. Fast cars: LIES!
I have a thing for Richard Hammond on Top Gear. And I have a thing for SUPER cars, which more often than not, tend to be fast, but fast is not necessarily the winning point for me. Sometimes a girl just likes sexy looking cars, like the Aventador.
I mean seriously, how can you not love this thing?
G-d, that’s a sexy car. And now you get to live on my blog forever, Aventador.
sweetbreads are actually thymus glands, not brains
<===nerd, I know
Totally with you on #3. As for #2, um, yuck. But then again, I’m a lifelong vegetarian, with the typical American irrational aversion to the notion of eating parts of the head. Good for you for getting over it. But yuck.
As for #1, like Jiraffe, I would like to see that photo!
Uh, I may need to see that unflattering photo immediately! How could anyone beat you out after that video you posted? Even the unnamed actress staring in the Dark Knight Rises?
I love how you fooled us about WHICH host it was on Top Gear. Well played, Keiko. Well played.
It’s live on my Facebook page now, in honor of The Dark Knight Rises premiere today.
OK, that totally made my day. Nothing like an up-the-nostrils unflattering photo of a perfect celebrity to make my day.
I’m petty and I own that.