Here’s your quick moment of advocacy for a slow Friday: go sign RESOLVE’s petition to the Secretary of Health & Human Services to demand that infertility treatments be included as essential benefits under The Affordable Care Act.
Seriously? It literally takes about 40 seconds to sign this petition, and your support is vital.
From RESOLVE, a brief overview of why this petition is so important:
RIGHT NOW, the Secretary is determining what will be included as an Essential Health Benefit as we anticipate an announcement in the next few months.
Now is the time for Secretary Sebelius to hear from the infertility community and those that care about us.
Please note: The Essentials Health Benefits are not an insurance mandate and will not force employers to include infertility in their existing coverage. But this is a vital first step to ensuring that infertility treatment be covered by health insurance for everyone.
RESOLVE hopes to get 7,300 signatures – 1 for every 1,000 people living with infertility in the United States. If y’all can get me 2,400 signatures against PETA in 2 days, y’all can certainly help RESOLVE achieve their goal!
I know you’ve got even a spare 40 seconds to click the link, fill out your info and hit “Sign Now”. If you’ve got another 30 seconds, go tweet that you just signed. And if you’re totally crazy, take another minute to post about it on Facebook.
We need to be vocal as a community if we want our advocacy concerns to be heard!
Looks good, wish we had an equivalent organisation in SA like you have. Thank you for the very important work you are doing.