So here’s a snippet of the exciting news I’ve been promising all day on Facebook and Twitter…
REDBOOK is hosting a Twitter Chat on Tuesday, October 18th at 2pm Eastern Standard Time… which I’ll be moderating!

You can join in on all the fun by following @redbookmag and the #TruthAboutTrying tweets.
Spread the word far and wide about Tuesday’s Twitter Chat: tweet it, Facebook it, post about it! We’d love to have lots of people talking about infertility all at once on Twitter. I bet we could even get #TruthAboutTrying trending in the US from 2-3pm next Tuesday if enough people join in! I can promise you the chat will be engaging and I’m really looking forward to leading this discussion. We’ve seen the power of social media in our advocacy efforts before, so I’m thrilled to partner with REDBOOK to raise awareness about infertility through this awesome Twitter Chat on the 18th.
If you plan on joining me and REDBOOK Magazine on this Tuesday, October 18th at 2pm EST, let me know in the comments.
But wait… there’s more. The REDBOOK Twitter Chat is only half the awesomesauce…
…More exciting news to share early next week!
I know, I’m such a tease, but everyone loves a cliffhanger 😉
I’ll be there @vloky
RSVP @cin_20
I will be there
U will be there
will be there @mellanhead
Rsvp @momofbestbaby
I hope to join you tomorrow Keiko and am looking forward to it! My daughter should be napping then, if all goes as planned (yeah right). So excited that you and Redbook are doing this! It sounds awesome! So consider this my RSVP as @FourofKind2009
Sounds important. I’m coming! Rsvping @Neilzabka918
I will be there! RSVP: @tiffany053p
Excellent work and excellent idea! Thanks for being so active and helping so many, will be tweeting away….and I can’t wait to hear the 2nd piece of your news! Yeah!
I will be there and YAY! This is amazing 🙂 Can’t wait for the rest of your news…
That sounds like a great time! I wish I could go but 2pm EST is only 11am my time and I’ll be right smack in the middle of class. Bummer! I hope it goes really well and you get #truthabouttrying trending!
I also can’t wait to hear you other news!