My husband loves the Reddit. Me, I’m kind of ambivalent about it. But I will say, of all the sub-Reddits, I find IAMA to be the most interesting. IAMA stands for literally “I am a…” and then fill in the blank. After the statement usually follows “AMA” – ask me anything.
So here goes.
Jew-by-choice, half-Japanese late 20s woman who changed her first name, didn’t learn to drive until she was 21, went to college and half of grad school, has a love/hate relationship with the ocean, lives in a haunted house, grew up with an imaginary friend named John who was 30 years old, has primary ovarian insufficiency, married her soulmate and high school sweetheart, and refuses to kill bugs. Well, except mosquitoes.
(Formspring allows you to ask questions anonymously.)
Answers will go up this Friday.