It’s hard to believe that National Infertility Awareness Week is already over. What an incredible week it was! I got to meet so many new people and be exposed to so many more blogs and resources out there… it was really just a phenomenal experience. I can’t believe how much more involved I was this year and I have to say, it felt great to make those connections to and to offer that kind of support to others.
After such a whirlwind week, I wanted to share some of those moments, blog posts, and other goodies around the web that stood out for me this week. I present to you my personal Highlight Reel for NIAW 2011:
- RESOLVE’s Bust a Myth Campaign: there are 350 Bust an Infertility Myth posts! Nice work everyone!
- Schmutzie’s brilliant piece about living childfree: Why I Made A Kid-Free List On Twitter (And What Happened When I Did)
- A stunning post, Miscarriages Are Real Losses, from Stumbling Grace.
- More wise words from Whitney about how to support someone who’s dealing with miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death.
- The funniest myth-busting post I read all week by the ever fabulous Infertile Naomi.
- A thoughtful post from Rachel at on where G-d and infertility treatment intersect.
- Reflections on the week from All Things Conceivable.
- Sonja’s deeply moving blog post: When it comes down to it, I am not selfish.
- Mel over at Stirrup Queens reminds the resolved and the unresolved to cross the divide between us, as we share a unique pain in common with one another.
- And a big thank you to Fertility Blogs, who made me their Featured Blog of the Week!
- I helped lead a little bit of a Twitter campaign to reach out to celebs to tweet their support for NIAW. I actually got a retweet from one of those celebs! Thank you, @ElisabethRohm!
- Clear Passage’s #ShareHope Twitter campaign. The tweets were inspiring all week. You can read all of the #ShareHope tweets here.
Other Media
- Carrie Friedman’s piece for the LA Times: What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting.
- A special shoutout to my home state and neighboring county: a local piece about infertility awareness in the Gloucester County Times (NJ).
- Dr. Ali Domar and Alysyn Camerota talk about infertility awareness on Fox News.
- A special NIAW episode of The Surrogacy Lawyer show featuring Barb Collura, Executive Director of RESOLVE, Dina Roth Port, writer who wrote Infertility: The Disease We Need to Start Talking About for the Huffington Post, and Melissa Ford, Stirrup Queens blogger. It was a fascinating broadcast that gave me a lot of food for thought about whether or not people should be open with others about their infertility.
What other awesome things did you come across on the web this week? Share your resources and great NIAW finds in the comments!
Good luck this week in DC! Wish I was going so I could meet you.
You rock — thank you for rounding this up. Off to read stuff I missed.
Thank you for the mention, I really appreciate it!!
Thanks for the wrap up. Great group of links.
Thank you for including my religion and infertility post in your round up. 🙂 I wasn't sure how that post was going to be received, but so far, so good.