TO: “Ingrid Newkirk” []
CC: “Carrie Snider” [], “HollyAnne Dame” [], “Tracy Reiman” [], “Dan Mathews” [], “Lisa Lange” []
SUBJECT: A 2nd Open Letter to PETA re: Win a Vasectomy – Thank You
DATE: Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 2:26 AM
Ingrid E. Newkirk, President
CC: Carrie Snider, Special Projects Coordinator; HollyAnn Dame, Membership Correspondent; Tracy Reiman, Executive Vice President; Dan Mathews, Senior Vice President of Campaigns; Lisa Lange, Senior Vice President of Communications
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
501 Front St.
Norfolk, VA 23510
Dear Ms. Newkirk,
It was recently brought to my attention that PETA has removed all links to National Infertility Awareness Week for your “Win a Vasectomy” campaign. On behalf of the 7.3 million people who cope with the disease of infertility every day:
Thank you.
Thank you for listening to our voices, our emails, our blog posts, our tweets, our website comments, our media coverage, our phone calls and messages, and our petition with 2,200+ signatures. Thank you for listening to your members and supporters who disagreed with this campaign’s tactics. Thank you for listening and hearing the voice of the infertility community. Believe me when I say we are deeply grateful for your decision to retract the association between these two campaigns.
Thank you for recognizing and acknowledging that infertility is not a joke, not a patient community who can be used to promote your organization’s aims at our expense.
I have asked my readers and followers to consider making a contribution to their local animal shelter as a way to say thank you to your organization in the wake of your decision to remove the link to NIAW. I personally will be making a contribution to the Northeast Animal Shelter in honor of this occasion, a no-kill shelter in my community that brought us our two lovely cats Saba and Toro (see picture below).
I do have one final, minute request of a technical note. While the landing page for the “Win a Vasectomy” campaign has removed all mention of NIAW, it appears the directing page under the Features tab still includes the “in honor of” language ( As someone who has worked with website management before, it appears to be a simple oversight error that this language was listed on this separate page. We would appreciate the immediate removal/updating of this language from the Features page as well if PETA would like to be consistent in honoring its commitment not to further offend our patient community.
Again, I would like to personally thank you, and thank you on behalf of the infertility community for removing the link to your campaign and NIAW.
~Keiko Zoll
(and Saba & Toro)
Thanks, PETA. |
Read the complete series of posts:
- An Open Letter to PETA
- Update 2: PETA’s Response
- Update 3: Close But No Cigar
- Update 4: Victory!
- You Are Here: Update 4a: Thank You, PETA
- Update 5: A Response from PETA President, Ingrid Newkirk
- Update 6: Why This Mattered
I'm infertile and I didn't take offense at all. Who cares? They turned a sad thing into something fun and cool. Let's all chill out.
Very well written!
The power of voice says it all. Thank you for all of your efforts in speaking out and helping others to speak out as well.