What is IComLeavWe?
ICLW (for short) is a blogtastic commenting frenzy the last week of each month, hosted by the ever fabulous Melissa Ford at Stirrup Queens. You sign up, slap a badge on your blog, and then commit to commenting on at least 5 blogs a day. You also return at 1 comment left on your blog a day. The full details are here.
Why the running intro page?
I’ve participated in ICLW several times, and even managed to earn one Iron Commenter badge. I like to provide an intro page to get new readers up to speed. Since I’ve done this multiple times and now have multiple intro pages, I thought I’d keep one post to use for any months I participate from here on out, where I update any pertinent info as needed.
Where can I find your old ICLW intro posts?
Below, sorted chronologically in order:
So… what’s new?
This section here will be updated to reflect whatever particular month’s ICLW in which I participate. This intro is current as of May 23, 2011 for the May 2011 ICLW.
I recently posted a good snapshot of our infertility journey so far last week, so definitely give that read. I’ll also be featured (hopefully tonight!) on WBZ-TV Boston’s Channel 4 news for our journey with infertility and my blog and What IF video. I was interviewed 2 Fridays ago and they pushed back the story twice last week, so the latest word from the reporter is that it will air tonight. I’ve got a few neat little side projects that I’m working on that for now, I’ve got under wraps. But more details this summer, I promise! Still waiting, still saving up money, still desperately wish we could get our IVF with donor egg ball rollin’. Oh, and contact your Senator asking them to co-sponsor the Family Act, if you haven’t already done so! Here’s why we need Senate co-sponsors for this important infertility tax credit legislation.
congrats on your interview!! i have seen your what IF video…..love it!
Hi new bloggy friend! Thank you for your kind words – I'm so glad you (and others) understood what I was saying – and that you weren't offended and aren't all "GET OUT THIS IS MY PARTY!!!"
Anyhow – I like you. And I read your About page and have to share this with you: Jimi (my beloved) had a half-Japanese, Jewish girlfriend once. He called her Jewpanese Julie (like, that was his pet name for her – not one he's made up since they broke up). I didn't know her, of course, but your intro in the About Me reminded me of her. 🙂
I'm new to ICLW and am looking forward to reading all of the resources you have! Thank you!
You are an inspiration. Seriously.
Oh wow!!
Your video is amazing!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I had tears in my eyes watching and was nodding along to so many of the points you put across.
I wish there was more advocacy for IF here in Australia..
Happy ICLW!!
Been reading your blog a few weeks now, but just watched your 'what IF?' vid, found myself nodding away in recognition, good stuff.
I keep hearing about this ICLW and figure I should join the party, next time though, this weeks away from the puter
Here from ICLW – I love your blog title. I feel like I read Hannah a lot when I was TTC my son (and then he was born on Rosh Hashanah, go figure). I will definitely come back and keep reading.
Here from ICLW…
Congrats on all you are working on! I too am a big fan of your video, I mean, who isn't 😉 Thanks for the heads-up on the About.com event…I'm going to check it out.
Can I say "I'm so proud of you" without making it sound all weird? You're just plain awesome… and I AM really proud of you and everything you've done for our community. Keep on rocking, girl. I'm off to go sign up for that About.com thing!
PS: Happy ICLW 🙂
glad to see you back in the blogosphere!!! Keep us posted…by the way…I love your blog and video..