Hey, so… did anyone see what happened to March?
Life has been busy. Work calmed down for a bit while students were on spring break (and while sadly, I was still at work). Now it’s picking up again as we head into the home stretch toward the end of the semester. We bought a new car somewhere in there. We repainted and redecorated our bathroom. Our cats have been systematically destroying any Apple product with a cord. (They’ve eaten over $200 worth of Apple products. It’s a little ridiculous.) Oh, and our house is legitimately haunted (a post for another day).
And in the blink of an eye, another month disappears from the calendar.
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Photo via Flickr by Tambako The Jaguar.
I’ve begun nesting. I’m sure it’s largely due to the fact that I just finished 5 weeks of birth control pills and dear old Auntie Flo is bound to make an appearance sometime this week.
I have a bit of an obsessive personality. When we got engaged, I basically lived and breathed wedding planning for 22 months. You might think that’s an exaggeration, but it’s basically a statement of fact in retrospect. When we found out I was infertile, I read everything I could in print and online. Babies were everywhere. They’re all I could think about. Thankfully, I’ve channeled the baby crazies into infertility advocacy and more positive outlets, but I do get overcome by it once in a while (like baby names – seriously, I can go for days obsessing over names for children I don’t even know if I’ll have!).
All of a sudden, I’ve been bitten by the spring cleaning/house decorating bug, and I’ve got it bad.
Larry motivated me to reclaim the Room of Doom (my latest name for it). Instead of perpetually thinking of it as the Someday Baby’s Room, it’s going to become my office for now. Paint it the color I want, put a futon in there, a little desk and some storage and have it be my space. It’s also in a quiet part of the house, so it’s a perfect migraine relief room.
I have a much longer post sitting in my Drafts folder about my conflicted emotions about this room, but I think I’m at a place to start rethinking about it. Instead of filling it with all this worry and indecision, it’s time to take the bull by the horns and make the room mine. Should we be blessed with children, we’ll repaint and redecorate as necessary. It’s not worth just leaving the room all crapped up because I’ve got some serious emotional baggage about the space.
I bought an issue of This Old House magazine (I didn’t even know they had a magazine until I saw it at the drugstore). I’ve been scouring Craigslist and Home Goods and Target and BB&B and Anthropologie and lusting after pretty much everything at Restoration Hardware trying to figure out where I can buy the poor man’s version of 99% of what’s on their site.
I can’t stop thinking about decorating the house. I spontaneously painted an entire bedroom wall last night because we had been putting it off for months.
I’ve got it bad.
And so March marches off, out like a lamb.
April brings media: an article in my college alumni magazine, infertility.about.com’s Infertility Blog Carnival, and a guest appearance on Theresa Erickson’s Surrogacy Lawyer Radio Show with Evelina Weidman Sterling from Rachel’s Well. Throw in my sister and her family coming to visit, Passover, and Open Houses here at work… I should savor these last few days of peaceful lamb-like March.
I loved your idea to make 'that' room your own… My husband and I found ourselves hosting a house-warming party two weeks after I was diagnosed as being in 'early menopause'. In anticipation of comments like 'Ooh, so many bedrooms [there are 4] – when are the kids coming along?' I designated them all a purpose – guest, study and craft! When I can bear it, two years on I still secretly think of the 'craft' room as a nursery one day, but in the meantime, it is strewn with fabrics and yarn…
Cleaning? Not so much. Having fun? More likely.. for instance, we went skiing last Saturday (DH taught me – it was my first ever). Since it'll be in the 70s this weekend, we'll probably break out the bikes. Being outdoors is a good way to celebrate spring. Yeah, I suppose eventually there will be some window washing…
Ooooh, can't wait to hear the haunted house story.
Spring cleaning?!?!?!? You mean we are actually suppose to do something about the mess?
i realize it was all of one sentence, but – your house is haunted??? I've been watching a lot of the show "Supernatural" latly, so dork that I am I' very exited for more news on that subject…
Spring cleaning…. well, I vacuumed. Does that count? I hate cleaning, and I basically refuse to do it all by myself but whenever the hubby and I have time together we usually spend it doing everything BUT cleaning. *sigh*