I’ve got a project brewing, and I need your help. Sorry to be cryptic, but that’s all I can say for now. Help me finish this sentence:
“Infertility is ___________.”
It can be a word, a phrase, or even a few sentences. The only thing I care about is that it’s honest and comes from your heart. I want to hear from you and your experience. I’m cross-posting this on Twitter and my Facebook page, so feel free to share your thoughts on any of these platforms.
Lets see how big we can make this list.
Infertility is one aspect of my life that is emotionally challenging and I could never want or desire for more than starting our family. However I am trying not to let infertility define me and I choose to see it as a blessing in that it has opened up so much more of who I am that I would never of otherwise known about myself.
my punishment for not being perfect enough. Which is of course nonsense, but easy to believe when I am feeling hopeless.
life altering
painful beyond words
a disease of the individual, the couple, the family, the co-workers, the entire community.
not something I would wish on my worst enemy.
Infertility is a health issue and should be covered 100% under all medical insurance plans.
Infertility is a journey. Just like life, it has its ups and downs. Just like life, it has its stormy days and sunny days. Just like life, it's unpredictable.
I know I"m a bit late, but:
Infertility is… the hardest challenge I've ever faced
Infertility is… the deepest, darkest pit in which I have ever been stuck, in which I feel completely alone, in which I see no hint of light, and in which I fear I will wither away to nothingness.
breaking my heart into small pieces.
Infertility is … enlightening.
Although it's been heartbreaking and frustrating and painful and everything else in between, my husband and I have learned a lot about ourselves, our bodies and our marriage.
Community Manager/Consultant
Attain Fertility
…a part of me. Even 11 years after my son was born. I would not change a thing.
1.-an unexpected disease that hit me while I was busy planning my life.
2.-everywhere! Everyone knows someone….
3.-indelible. Regardless of the outcome, you are forever changed.
…a weight on my heart that I hope I can lift…soon
…something that needs more public awareness
…complete and utter crap.
…A raw deal.
…devastating to mind, body and soul.
first thought:
infertility is exhausting
second thought
infertility is not the winner. I beat it. I am an infertility survivor
infertility is not how I choose to define myself.
tangent, I hate how infertility is like a definition. We say, I'm infertile. People with cancer or any other disease don't say, "I'm breast cancer or I'm colitis". It is I have breast cancer or I have colitis. It is a part of them but does not consume them like infertility can and many times does.
I think I will write a post about that. thanks for the inspiration. I am curious to see what your project is.
…not going to stop me from becoming an Aunt, because my sister is a fighter!
Infertility is something that is not going to break me.
a disease that changed my life and perspective forever.
Never forgotten
not going to define me. I will persevere.
Infertility is suffocating
Infertility is hell.
…the disease that brought me my wonderful, amazing, wanted and loved twins.
a journey that makes me stronger.
the most heartbreaking and ongoing experience I have to live with.
Secondary Infertility is :
always there.
…a slap in the face.
…fucking aweful.
…a silent burden that nobody can truly understands.
…wearing me down.
I'd also modify, if I may, to:
Infertility includes (instead of is) miscarriage and recurrent pregnancy loss.
Because no baby is no baby, despite the fact that 'at least you can get pregnant'.
a perspective-changing experience, giving us even more appreciation for the ability to create and sustain human life.
Infertility is heartbreaking.
Infertility is a life-changing sentence.
Infertility can be beaten.
Infertility is not all I am.
Infertility is…the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.
Costly! Confusing! Crushing! Confounding! (c*cksucker)
Infertility is … a disease.
Infertility is a dysfunction of the male and/or female reproductive system.
Infertility is caused by multiple factors,most of which are not preventable.
Infertility is a disease from hell- not God's will.
Infertility is the reason we are childless.
Infertility is devastating,terrifying,painful.
Infertility is Not our fault.
Infertility is not our choice.
Infertility is Not a message from 'Mother nature', God or the universe.
heart wrenching…..or and A BITCH. LOL.
…a pain in my ass.
not going to get the best of me. It will make me a mom in a differnt way
…heartbreaking and devastating, but not defeating.
Infertility is—-not defining me.