I’m so excited that the RESOLVE of New England Annual Conference is in just a few weeks from now! It’s amazing to me that last year, Larry and I walked in, wide-eyed, overwhelmed, and still trying to make sense of this daunting path known as infertility.
This year, I’m walking in as a volunteer and Board of Directors member, and Larry’s walking in right back with me, also as a volunteer. I talk a little more about my experiences at the Annual Conference blog here and why I’m coming back this year.
I’m also officially inviting every single reader of this blog- no matter where you live- to attend this year’s Annual Conference on November 6, 2010 in Marlborough, MA. I know the cost can seem like a lot, but scholarships are available. I should know: it was the only way Larry and I could afford to go last year. I’m telling you: it’s totally worth it to attend this conference, if not for the vast array of information, resources, and people you’ll meet, but for the sense of hope you’ll walk away with at the end of the day.
1. Our keynote speaker is Melissa Ford, the ever-fabulous and award-winning author of Stirrup Queens. I’m kind of peeing my pants over the opportunity to meet her in person.
2. Plenty of information if you’re considering adoption. The Annual Conference features an adoption track of sessions, including an adoptive and birth parent panel.
3. Plenty of information about IVF and donor egg. Again, a track just for donor egg sessions. We found these programs particularly informative and helpful last year.
4. Consumer access to area vendors. Clinics, adoption agencies, donor egg matching services, pharmacies that specialize in fertility drugs… there are a ton of vendors for you to connect with one-on-one. Whether you’re a consumer or an industry professional, it’s a great chance to network and gather resources.
5. Raffles! Because who doesn’t love a good raffle?
6. New: Ask the Experts panels. Whether you’ve got questions about adoption, donor egg, your wonky ovaries, your wonky husband, we have a whole series of experts lined up ready to answer your questions from Reproductive Endocrinology, Acupuncture, Men’s Perspectives, Nutrition, and more!
7. Come meet me! Not that I’m any kind of main attraction, but it would be awesome to meet some of you fabulous readers and followers IRL.
What are you waiting for? Register today. And if you are going, please do let me know in the comments – I’d love to meet up and grab lunch together during the Conference!
Keiko… I am coming and I am dragging two of my fellow IVFers with me. Road trip from NYC!! I will be in touch would love to meet (again) and this time spend some time chatting. So excited!
Keiko, I would love to have the chance to meet the fabulous lady who made that incredible video. Also, you are going to LOVE Mel. I met her at BlogHer and she is awesome.