Team Edward or Team Harry? Which is better? Discuss ^_^
BOTH!! Always and forever BOTH!!!
My friend and I were so nerdily excited to see the Harry Potter preview and Eclipse in the same night.
As to teams – I have to go with Jacob. Which makes my a dirty-old-woman. Ah well……
Not a fair question.
Harry beats out Twilight in terms of series …but am totally Team Edward in terms of the *swoon* factor.
LOVED Eclipse and can NOT wait for November to see part 1 of Deathly Hallows.
How on earth could you possibly expect me to CHOOSE?!?
Both series are my absolute FAVORITE children/young adult books ever. And the movies are fantastic.
I guess that makes me the quintessential nerd! LOL!
Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Team Edward all the way! I LOVED the books. I just never could get into the Harry Potter books or movies.
Ashlee G.says
I like Twilight. I like Harry Potter.
but- I think Edward is an emo girl.
So, I'd have to pick Harry!
Team Remus Lupin! <3
Er, Harry Potter.
My vampires kill people and don't freakin sparkle. Read "I am Legend" and THAT'S a vampire! 🙂
Oh, Harry def, though I'll take the books over the movies anytime. Twilight was fun but I was always a Jacob fan and I thought the final book almost but not quite redeemed itself in my eyes. Harry Potter is just so much more nourishing a read.
Though both have similar pop-fad subcultures, for some reason the two series are on completely different literary planes for me and aren't exactly comparable in that way. In some ways I enjoyed the Twilight series far more than I enjoyed the Potter series and vice-versa. Still, I am IMMENSELY in love with both and won't know what to do with myself when there are no more movies to look forward to, since we're now left waiting for the two-part conclusions to both.
All things being equal, I actually think that Twilight might edge out Potter a bit for me, mostly because out of all the characters between the two, I most closely identified with Jacob (and not just because he's a hot hunk of cougar-bait, either). 🙂
Catrisha Tsays
I'm more the Team Jacob type… but yeah I'm going with Twilight. Can't wait to see Eclipse. No baby sitter for last night, and it was sold out in our theatre any how I heard so no worries, hopefully this weekend.
Oh and for the record… after the third Harry Potter movie I lost interest.
Team Harry…..I didn't and won't read the Twilight books…I'm just not interested in Vampires…
but Harry and Hermione and Ron and Snape,,,and Oh I just LOVED those books and those characters…I just can't wait for November and my husband is just as excited. 🙂
Team Harry beats out Twilight any day…better writing, better story, better characters. Besides, how could you pick a sprarkly boy-man over a dark and sexy werewolf?
Edward. Definitely. 🙂
Team Edward! Although I really didn't like the last book in the series (Breaking Dawn).
I am in a mentee-mentor program and have been matched with an 11 year old girl for about two years. Interestingly enough, she is not allowed to read or watch Harry Potter because her mother doesn't believe in witchcraft (I don't share her views…these books are about imagination!). And she isn't allowed to read/watch Twilight because of the vampires (eleven still might be a little young too)! So she is just going to miss out on all of the fun!
Some girlfriends and I are making a date to go and see Eclipse!
Team Harry all the way! I have no interest in Twilight…sorry. 🙂
BOTH!! Always and forever BOTH!!!
My friend and I were so nerdily excited to see the Harry Potter preview and Eclipse in the same night.
As to teams – I have to go with Jacob. Which makes my a dirty-old-woman. Ah well……
Not a fair question.
Harry beats out Twilight in terms of series …but am totally Team Edward in terms of the *swoon* factor.
LOVED Eclipse and can NOT wait for November to see part 1 of Deathly Hallows.
How on earth could you possibly expect me to CHOOSE?!?
Both series are my absolute FAVORITE children/young adult books ever. And the movies are fantastic.
I guess that makes me the quintessential nerd! LOL!
Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Team Edward all the way! I LOVED the books. I just never could get into the Harry Potter books or movies.
I like Twilight. I like Harry Potter.
but- I think Edward is an emo girl.
So, I'd have to pick Harry!
Team Remus Lupin! <3
Er, Harry Potter.
My vampires kill people and don't freakin sparkle. Read "I am Legend" and THAT'S a vampire! 🙂
Oh, Harry def, though I'll take the books over the movies anytime. Twilight was fun but I was always a Jacob fan and I thought the final book almost but not quite redeemed itself in my eyes. Harry Potter is just so much more nourishing a read.
Though both have similar pop-fad subcultures, for some reason the two series are on completely different literary planes for me and aren't exactly comparable in that way. In some ways I enjoyed the Twilight series far more than I enjoyed the Potter series and vice-versa. Still, I am IMMENSELY in love with both and won't know what to do with myself when there are no more movies to look forward to, since we're now left waiting for the two-part conclusions to both.
All things being equal, I actually think that Twilight might edge out Potter a bit for me, mostly because out of all the characters between the two, I most closely identified with Jacob (and not just because he's a hot hunk of cougar-bait, either). 🙂
I'm more the Team Jacob type… but yeah I'm going with Twilight. Can't wait to see Eclipse. No baby sitter for last night, and it was sold out in our theatre any how I heard so no worries, hopefully this weekend.
Oh and for the record… after the third Harry Potter movie I lost interest.
Team Harry…..I didn't and won't read the Twilight books…I'm just not interested in Vampires…
but Harry and Hermione and Ron and Snape,,,and Oh I just LOVED those books and those characters…I just can't wait for November and my husband is just as excited. 🙂
Team Harry beats out Twilight any day…better writing, better story, better characters. Besides, how could you pick a sprarkly boy-man over a dark and sexy werewolf?
Edward. Definitely. 🙂
Team Edward! Although I really didn't like the last book in the series (Breaking Dawn).
I am in a mentee-mentor program and have been matched with an 11 year old girl for about two years. Interestingly enough, she is not allowed to read or watch Harry Potter because her mother doesn't believe in witchcraft (I don't share her views…these books are about imagination!). And she isn't allowed to read/watch Twilight because of the vampires (eleven still might be a little young too)! So she is just going to miss out on all of the fun!
Some girlfriends and I are making a date to go and see Eclipse!
Team Harry all the way! I have no interest in Twilight…sorry. 🙂