…because head injuries may abound.
So Larry desperately needed to clean out his car last night, and I agreed to help him. (PS- he’s also rocking out to his new job. He is *loving* it and they are *loving* him.) He was parked in the lot behind our building, and I suggested he back up to an empty spot beneath the light so we could see what we were doing. So Larry’s backing up, and I’m standing at the back of the spot, refusing to move, b/c I know of course, my husband isn’t going to back up into me.
…and then my little mischievous streak kicks in.
So he revs his engine for me to get out of the way, and I take small step back. When he’s 99% finished backing up, I slap the back of his trunk to make it sound like he nicked me and I pretend to fall over. (Let me just say, we’ve both got weird senses of humor. This kind of stuff is totally normal for us.) Except, I wasn’t looking when I pretended to fall backward, and smacked my head on the light pole behind the spot… hard. Like “saw stars, tasted metal in my mouth, staggered around in blinding pain for a full 30 seconds before being able to respond” hard. A big lump starts forming, and I’m apologizing profusely for trying to play such a cruel prank on him anyway. And he’s all, “Are you ok? You’ll be fine. See what happens when you mess around like that?”
We start cleaning out his trunk, and I’m starting to get a headache. And then, randomly, I think about Natasha Richardson, and how she randomly died after feeling fine after her head injury from her skiing accident. I start sobbing:
“Should I go to the hospital? I hit my head pretty hard and I’m getting a headache and there’s a lump and I don’t want to end up like Natasha Richardson who was fine but then she wasn’t because she hit her head and then she just died and it was so sad because Liam Neeson couldn’t be there because he was shooting a movie and I don’t want to die like Natasha Richardson!”
Larry assured me I’m fine, and promised to call his mom (she’s a nurse). After some consoling on the phone, I finally just took some Tylenol, but was petrified to go to bed because yes, I was still scared of dying in my sleep from an untreated head injury. I couldn’t fight the Tylenol much more and finally fell asleep. I had some seriously weird dreams last night, too. Well, obviously I’m fine b/c I’m writing this post, but boy howdy have I learned my prank playing lesson* – all I’ve got to show for it is a bruised ego and a big bump on my head.
*…lesson learned for now, that is 😉 I live to prank another day!
You sound so much like me! That is (a) the kind of prank I would pull on my wife (b) I would totally be the one to hit my head and (c) I am so paranoid abut dying now…and natasha richardson just made it so much worse!
Here from ICLW, this little story about your prank totally made me smile. I understand you being worried since you hit your head so hard. My DH's favourite 'car' prank to pull on me is to back away from me a little at a time when he is picking me up from somewhere. I never fail to rise to the bait, LOL. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Wooops! I am glad that you are doing fine…playing pranks is fun, but sometimes they turn back on us!
Hoping the other pranks will be all giggles!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think the lesson to be learned here is just make sure there isn't a light pole behind you should you pretend to fall over again. But you shouldn't stop pranking your husband. Just make sure all the variables for injury are covered.
I appreciate your encouragement in regards to our adoption journey. I really need it.
ICLW #94
OMG, I totally love your warped sense of humor and am really glad you are ok. I can completely see something like that happening to me.
Great story! Glad you are ok, lol. Sounds like a prank my husband and I would play…we are also big jokers.
Happy ICLW!
Hi Miriam,
thank you so much for stopping by my blog, I've read your ICLW post and I wish you all the very best on the adoption route! We are also pursuing adoption but in Ireland is an unbelievably lengthy process. You may hear me moaning about it more often than not! Love, Fran
I'm glad you're okay – what a story!!
hi there – thanks for visiting my blog!! i once tried to scare my hubby when we were in a furniture store. let's just say a chair fell on my head, and i was soo scared i was about to die. this was about a month before the natasha richardson thing, so i didn't know about that then, but my sisters used to joke to me when we were little that you can die immediately if you hit certain parts of your head. ugh. i caused a huge scene in the store bc i really thought i was gonna go to bed that night and never wake up! *sigh*.
anyways, i'll be rooting for you and hubby as you start your adoption journey. best of luck and i LOVE your blog :o)
Thanks for stopping by my blog & your kind words! Very funny story, hope he's still doing okay:)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Oh gosh is it bad that I was laughing as I read this??? Such a funny story and even funnier is this sounds EXACTLY like something I would do! Funny prank gone wrong and puts me in the hospital – lol! Oh I've gotten close a few times. I think it's only a matter of time before it goes that far. LOL!
PS About the passalong cards – I don't know much about the laws in your state but I would think that so long as you have an agency (maybe reference them on the card) then it should be fine for you to use such a tool…
My husband banged his head pretty bad last December, and I STILL lose sleep over the fact that I didn't take him to the hospital! Natasha Richardson's death has made me pretty paranoid too. I hope your head feels better today!