I’ve had the button up on the right since my site redesign, but I wanted to make sure I blasted this out as a post, too. Mel over at Stirrup Queens is collaborating with RESOLVE for a truly unique online event in conjunction with National Infertility Awareness Week, April 24 – May 1, 2010.
Phase One of the project is currently live on her site. Click the button to the right to be taken there for all the details. Essentially, leave a comment to Mel’s blog post asking the question “What IF…” and then fill in the rest from there, relating it to infertility. Mel will select 10 “What IF” questions to be used in Phase Two of the project. Phase Two will begin next week, which is currently a mystery… I’m excited to find out what the next phase is.
I gotta warn you: reading through the 300+ comments and even more What IF questions already posted, it is extremely humbling and moving. Tissues are a must.
This is a pretty amazing project to be a part of, so spread the word, via your blog or Twitter, with hashtag term #ProjectIF. There’s still two days left to join in on Phase One, so if you haven’t submitted your What IF’s yet, get ’em in now!
I stole the button, thanks so much for posting it!!