We’ve got lots of questions about adoption. The internet, the blogs, the two books we’re reading- they’ve got answers. For Larry and I, it’s getting a little overwhelming, not going to lie. Unfortunately, we can’t really move forward yet until two things are figured out: 1) my job and 2) our housing. My job and housing come as a package deal, and there’s some rather vague, amorphous changes happening to my job this summer that may or may not leave us with housing. *uncomfortable laugh* ha ha ha ha… I’m hoping I get some answers soon because if they do yank my housing (in lieu of a higher salary and better position title), um, we need to find a place to live.
Right, so anywho. Back to adoption. We’re reading books, trolling teh intarwebs, readin’ the blogs, and boy howdy, it’s a lot. So we’ve got two things up at the pass for us to hopefully make digesting this whole adoption thing a little bit easier. At 4pm today, I’m participating in the Adoption Info Teleseminar via RESOLVE, as part of their free teleseminars this week for National Infertility Awareness Week. (Sidebar: RESOVLE’s got a brand-spankin-new website and it looks AWESOME.) And on June 12, we’re going to an Adoption Conference sponsored by RESOLVE of the Bay State, our local chapter. We’ve been to their Annual Conference, so we expect the same high caliber, in-depth material. We’re really looking forward to it. I hope to blog here about my experience with the teleseminar tonight or tomorrow morning.
Other updates…
– Still pressing on with my #ProjectIF entry. No details on what I’m doing yet, but man oh man I can’t wait to post it when I’m finished.
– As a result, ICLW Iron Commenter status has stalled a little bit. Trying to pick up some comment time when I can today.
– Am really proud of the healthy choices I made while out to dinner last night. I had yakisoba with veggies, suzuki sashimi (sea bass) instead of nigiri b/c I didn’t want the rice since I was having noodles, and daifuku (mochi with ice cream) instead of the giant bowl of fried ice cream. Also, Boston’s Chinatown is one cool place.
Gotta run… lots of work on #ProjectIF today. Are you participating?
I attended a RESOLVE conference last year, and sat in at all the adoption seminars. I learned so much, and chucked many of my fears about domestic adoption. If only I could have gotten my husband to go…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! So glad to find someone else just starting the adoption journey. Can't wait to read more of what you find out! Happy ICLW! Hugs!
Came over from ICLW (#166).
I love the idea behind the name for your blog!
Good luck with your adoption journey!
oh, and I will definitely come back to read your "what if" post!