So, my bloodwork from Saturday came back already – everything is pretty much super-low, which is “normal” for someone with POF. Crazy high FSH (62.4), mid-range LH (32.6), estradiol wicked low (20), progesterone (0.1).
But that crazy u/s I had Friday, the one where I suddenly have endo? Yeah, it doesn’t appear that Dr. G has gotten the results back yet. And if he has, there’s been no email or phone call follow-up. Is the endo a red herring, so to speak? Am I worrying over nothing? Or is this indicative of something much more awful?
The imagination, she is a harsh mistress.
No, it's nothing more awful.
Your mind is your own worst enemy at this point.
As stupid as it sounds: just try not to think about it until you get the u/s results.