So, if we want to get this “having a baby” party started, I’ll need to have a few things in order. It is astounding everything we need to consider in the grand scope of things. And when I look back on it? I want to throttle my high school health teacher for spreading this notion that getting pregnant consists of merely glancing at a member of the opposite sex, let alone actual contact. In a way, I’m thankful I was diagnosed before we started trying, b/c I’ve probably only spent about $75 in my lifetime on pg tests, back when I missed a pill here or there or my period was randomly late. Man, if only I knew!
DE/IVF affords us the rare opportunity to time things in a way that natural conception can’t. And this might not be the best thing for us, since we (like to) get a little caught up in the planning stages of things. (Case in point- the nearly 2 years we had to plan our wedding. We had everything planned to the smallest detail.)
So here’s what we need to have sorted out before we can begin this journey:
- Insurance. This is pretty self-explanatory, but having an insurance plan written in the state of MA is a biggie, b/c MA has some of the most comprehensive infertility treatment laws in the nation. In a lot of ways, it really binds us locationally to this state (which is great, b/c I love it here). The other option is NJ, which is where Larry and I are from originally, but like I said, we love it up here and MA is where all of our friends are.
- Income. Also pretty self-explanatory. Right now, we’re working on 1.5 incomes as Larry gets the new business up and running. Seeing as we need to sack away upwards of $15k for one DE/IVF cycle, this is also a biggie.
- Housing. I’m in the unique position of having free housing with my job. It’s been a lifesaver for the past 9 months. However, there are also unique challenges with my job as a result of said free housing and how it relates to maternity leave.
- Well-managed thyroid. Have another monitoring appointment on 12/21. I’m hoping I’m in a better TSH range, but my suspicion is that it has crept back up, as symptomatically, I’ve felt like poo since I upped dosages. I think I may have had another ATA attack, and I’m dumping TSH right now. My RE is a little slow on protocol, and I’m seriously considering getting a second opinion/more aggressive RE after the new year.
- Lose weight. I’ve got about 50lbs I need to lose to get my BMI where it needs to. And losing weight will be next to impossible until I have a well-managed thyroid.
- Adopt healthy lifestyles. Regular exercise, eating better, and getting everything squared away with my teeth, because oral health is directly linked to instances of miscarriage.
This is totally doable.
Hi Miriam – in case you didn't get my e-mail about cross pollination, please write me at perchancetodream2 at
I totally think it's doable. And thank G-d for Massachusetts health insurance! If you need tips on a good RE that is proactive in treatments, let me know.