Larry had his SA yesterday. Guys have it so easy initially 😉 I got 7 vials of blood drawn for my first round of Dx, he gets to… well, you now how it works.
He called the dr’s office today, but the results aren’t in yet. I’m chomping at the bit to find out how his swimmers are. We have no reason to believe they’d be anything less than Michael Phelps or Greg Louganis. And yet, as I’ve so quickly learned in this process, you worry about everything. Even the stuff that you know should be solid. Larry’s going to call again tomorrow- I hope my dr will give him the results right over the phone rather than waiting to have it mailed to us. Or he could email it. Either way, I just want to know now.
I’m already mentally preparing myself for the worst… yet I’m trying to remain optimistic. It’s a fine line. I was so railroaded with my own Dx (I mean, I knew POF was a possibility but I never thought it would actually happen to me) that I feel like I need to dig my heels in and be ready to take whatever additional bad news might be down the pike.
My S.O.P. is that I’m perpetually waiting for the other shoe to fall.
In other news, visited friends of ours who just had their first child at the end of June. She’s just beautiful- so alert! I was nervous for this visit, but I realized my toughest emotional moments aren’t around babies – it’s more around pregnant women and situations like showers. It’s the expectation and the likelihood of conversation turning to “So who’s next?” as opposed to hanging out with the bundle of joy we’ve been waiting for.
Two things that were awesome about the weekend and made me super excited about having kids one day:
- I changed not one, not two, but three, yes three (ah ah ah) poopy diapers. 2 from the newborn, 1 from a 10-month-old infant, a child of another friend also visiting. It’s no walk in the park, but it’s not the absolute worst thing about parenting, I’m sure 😉
- Baby had a moment where she was just inconsolable… until I managed to bounce and rock and shshsh her to calming and eventually to sleep. It was like a magic trick and it really felt magical.
Fingers crossed about the swimmers. I know what you mean about it being harder around preggos than babies – although that has been challenging for me too.