Follow up appointment today went well, for the most part. Latest b/w results:
Thyroid Panel:
- TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) = 5.69 uIU/mL [0.34-5.60] Status: High
- Free T3 (Triiodothyronine) = 3.25 pg/mL [2.50-3.90] Status: Normal (slightly lower than last time)
- Free T4 (Thyroxine) = 0.82 ng/dL [0.54-1.24] Status: Normal (slightly lower than last time)
My vitamin D is at 30, which they want levels of 30 or higher. So, right on target, for the most part.
What’s next on my ever growing list of figuring shit out:
- Re-up the Levoxyl to 88mcg. Retest in 6 weeks. Adjust as necessary (I may need to go up to 100 mcg).
- Start taking a calcium supplement. 1200mg of calcium/day, 600mg at lunch, 600mg at dinner.
- Limit consumption of soy and strangely enough, broccoli. These futz with my thyroid.
- Continue the vitamin D supplements.
- Bone density exam scheduled for July 24. Non-invasive, 15-min procedure lying down on a table, fully clothed. I can handle that.
- Larry’s semen analysis scheduled for Tuesday. Will know results by Thursday afternoon or Friday morning at the latest.
- Call Dr. Gross Monday morning for list of contacts with RESOLVE fertility counselors.
We’re holding off on starting me back on birth control until my thyroid is in the right levels. So, yanno, enough to be expected right now. He liked the fact that I’ve stopped consuming caffeine b/c it has made a dramatic difference in the number of hot flashes I get.
Women keep adding to their bone density up until about age 35, then plateau for a couple of years, and then start declining. Based on my POF, Dr. Gross speculates I’m already in the plateau phase, thus, necessitating the bone density test. I’ll need to have it done every 3-4 years and course correct with calcium supplementation as appropriate. I feel like an old lady- I’m getting a bone density exam at 27, for fuck’s sake. This is what like, 50 year-old ladies get.
The “ouch, that stings” moment of the appointment: calling the use of birth control to stim my ovary an “experiment.” B/c in his 50+ year career, he’s only had 5 or 6 pregnancies result from this method. In his career. Ugh.
Yup. Thyroid is WAY off. Watch those supposed "normal" TSH levels though… Every RE worth his/her salt knows damn well that you need a TSH of 2.5 or less to get pregnant and STAY pregnant. And normal levels have been revised to less than 3.0 for many countries. Look into it, do your research and demand that they treat the problem properly. That was my issue all along…
I actually had a bone density test at age 22. I had been on a medication for a few years that's known to cause bone loss, so they wanted to check. And what do you know, my bones were already thinning. Oops!!!! I haven't been very good about taking my calcium lately because it interferes with the iron I take. lol