It’s time for…
Let’s take a look at this wondrous specimen of outdoor adventure, shall we? I nabbed these pics from the Kelty website.
The Kelty website describes our tent as a “reasonably priced… roomy tent that comes outfitted with a bonus screened-in vestibule with pull down shades. If you want protection from insects and critters, this tent is an obvious choice.” An obvious choice indeed, b/c, as much as I love camping, bugs and critters scare the bejesus out of me. This tent was actually on our wedding registry (we registered with BB&B and REI), and someone actually got it for us. Word.
But Miriam, you say, that tent’s not so big! Allow me to put on the rainfly. *fusses with rainfly* Ta-da!

But Miriam, you say, that still doesn’t look that big. Oh really? Well, our tent can hold four, yes four coffins with decapitated heads inside!
So where exactly has Fort Z been? Let’s take a look at its travels:
- Shawme-Crowell State Forest in Sandwich, MA (June 2008): The inaugural raising of Fort Z. This was only the 2nd time I’d been camping in the woods… in my life. Also, this was the emergence year for Brood XIV- the 17-year cycle of cicadas appearing en masse to the New England region, particularly the Cape. There were literally millions of cicadas at the campground. Thankfully, not in the area we were staying, but we had to walk through hundreds of cicadas divebombing our heads at one point to get to the camp store. I shit you not, I almost had a mental break. Also, it rained.
- So-Hi Campground in Accord, NY (July 2008): We went with 2 other couples, one of whom was 7-months pregnant at the time with their first child! It was an amazing time… but solidified our need to camp at State Parks only. We had some very lovely Eastern European neighbors (read: ~50 Ukrainians from NYC spread over 2 campsites with nearly a dozen tents pitched- TOTALLY not allowed at the campground) sharing their native folk tunes with us (read: cars parked with stereos blaring non-stop techno until 3am each night). Also, it rained.
- Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor (Bah Hahbah), ME (September 2008): This time we went with about a dozen people, all connected in interesting ways to one another. We just so happened to camp the weekend that the remnants of Hurricane Ike made landfall in Bar Harbor. In addition to hiking a 1270 ft. mountain that weekend, we also camped through a hurricane. We were lucky our tent didn’t float away in the deluge.
I feel it important to note here, that these 3 trips, including the first time I went camping in October 2007, it has rained every single trip.
This weekend we’re headed to Wells State Park in central MA. And what is the weather forecast? Well, have a look for yourself:
Well, if Fort Z. made it through a hurricane, than it can sure as hell make it through a couple of thunderstorms. Make sure to swing by Mel’s to see what the rest of the class is showing!
Hi Miriam,
Just wanted to check-in and see how camping went. Looking forward to hearing about it!
If I were you, I'd give up camping!
Actually, I love camping. I have a fabulous tent and every type of gear you could possibly need. We never go. It always feels like too much prep, setup, and breakdown to be worth it for a weekend.
I really like the idea of tents, but I'm not so keen on the whole camping thing. I think I'd even be afraid putting one in the backyard…if I had one.
I hope it doesn't rain too much!
Camping trips do bring out the best thunderstorms don't they? Nice tent!
Oh Miriam, I hope you have a fantastic camping trip and Fort Z is a star accommodation!
Welcome to Show and Tell…would love to see you around regularly!
What a great tent – hope that you have a wonderful, relaxing camping trip!
The cicadas would have sent me screaming like a little girl.
I used to go camping a lot, but now I can't imagine sitting my the campfire, crickets jumping everywhere. Though if Fort Z keeps out the bugs and critters…
That looks like a fabulous tent. Very nice and have a great camping trip.
I hope you enjoy the camping, and that your tent keeps you safe and sound!
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog (and what a trooper, going through all those old posts!). I hope your shabbos is peaceful and restful in Fort Z!
Very interesting post for me. I am going camping next weekend for my birthday if you can believe that! I love the appears to be a very souped-up model of our tent. And what adventures you have had camping…the secadas! I am always worried about the rain when camping…just not as much fun!
An awesome show and tell! I loved the diagram/coffin/heads thang. What a hoot. Sorry the weather looks a bit sucky, but it sure sounds fun. Maybe I'll get MrBeep to take me on a hike to our favorite waterfall.
HA! I love the decapitated heads picture! Very nice! That's a very nice tent and one I will NOT be showing my husband. He has this secret love affair with Kelty. He hasn't bought anything in YEARS and I'd like to keep it that way ;o) Enjoy your camping trip. Here's hoping Fort Z shelters you from the rain and bugs! Welcome to S&T!
This is a good post for me, as DH wants us to go camping (first time for me) this summer.
I'm a bit nervous about all that scary nature stuff, not to mention depapitated coffins, too.
Fort Z looks pretty nice!