I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks, other than that random thing on the T last weekend. Still no word on the karyotyping. As for the thyroid issue, I’m to stay on the same course. Instead of taking my thyroid med every day, Dr. Gross wants me to skip my Sunday dose.
Hot flashes and palpitations abound. Sex drive… it’s there. Nothing over the top, but here and there mostly. Baby lust? Non-existent. Preggo-envy? Not really. I’m just kind of floating in a sea of “meh.”
Haven’t slept well this week for a variety of reasons, but none of them really related to stress. I’m just here. I had a couple of sad nights this week, which were quickly dispelled with things like Battlestar, LOST, and a night at the Boston Pops last night. I distract easily, so that’s helped. I have zero desire to go shopping for my friend’s shower gift(s). I’ve actually asked A. to do that shopping for me. I’m happy to wrap a gift and pick out a card, but I just don’t feel like staring at a printed registry in zero point font to roam confusing aisles at Babies R Us.
Actually, I’m at a point where I don’t really know what I should be feeling at all.
You’ve been tagged! Check out Crazy’s 8’s on my blog for instructions 🙂