This year, I am attempting something that I tried to do last year and failed. I could only juggle one of these at a time, but this year, this year I’m going balls to the walls and getting it done.
I’m doing NaBloPoMo.
AND NaNoWriMo.
In a nutshell: NaBloPoMo is short for National Blog Posting Month. Bloggers commit to 30 blog posts in 30 days. “Glorious madness” is a fitting way to describe it all. I did manage to accomplish this last year. I won’t lie: it’s a beast of a project, especially since I’m not known for my brevity.
NaNoWriMo is the abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month. In 30 days, writers commit to writing a 50,000 word novel. That averages to about 1,666 words per day, or if you’re typing in Word in standard 12 pt font, double-spaced with 1 inch margins, about 5 pages.
Piece of cake, right?
. . .
Today’s prompt for NaNoWriMo is to talk about our favorite part about writing. (How meta.) I first came to blogging as a public (but anonymous) extension of years of journaling. I had been keeping intermittent journals since middle school.
This blog became focused on writing about my infertility experience, my writing as a form of cathartic expression toward healing. Since then, it’s branched out a little. What was once largely healing has now evolved into awakening and self-empowerment.
There is still healing to be made. But it’s more than that. I write to advocate for myself, to advocate for others. I write to inspire action and positive change. I write to provoke discussion, or at the very least to provoke a moment of pause to stop and consider a new perspective.
I write because it’s one of the most natural extensions of my intellect, my worldview, and my sense of purpose.
. . .
My favorite part about writing?
Writing can change the world.
This idea not only drives how I write, but what I write. To me, my favorite part about writing is when I read something that inspires me to act, that emboldens me to stand up for something I believe in and do something about it. Every word a writer puts out there, commits to paper or screen – every word can change the course of human history.
Words have power.
If I can weave and stitch mine together into something original, something empowering and inspiring – into something that promotes not only positive change, but how readers of those words can become active advocates for that change – then I’ve written something worthwhile.
. . .
But just because that’s my favorite part about writing doesn’t mean that other writing: the celeb gossip rags, the trashy vampire novel, and the like – aren’t fun. They’re a lot of fun.
And I’m going to have to tap into this fun if I want to make NaNoWriMo a success. Because, truth be told – I need to crank out 1,666 words daily to stay on track, and I have NO idea what to write. Blogging naturally dictates a certain amount of non-fiction whereas NaNoWriMo is all fiction.
No vampires, though. I just can’t bring myself to that. (Who knows how desperate I’ll be for a vampire plotline two weeks from now.)
Last year I had this idea of writing a murder mystery novel around geocaching. In retrospect, kind of lame. Right now I’m toying with the idea of writing something from the perspective of a Freemason’s wife (yanno, since I am one). Or writing something about traveling. In Ireland. Or Japan. (They say write what you know.)
That said… I’m looking for NaNoWriMo ideas, because I basically just decided today that I’m doing this, and have zero prep to show for it.
Things I know? Travel. Food. Ireland (or at least the cities of Dublin, Sligo, Limerick, and Galway). Japan. Infertility. Rudimentary knowledge of Goddess-y type things. Judaism. Second-hand knowledge of Freemasonry.
Maybe a Kitchen Confidential meets Eat, Pray, Love, meets The Lost Symbol?
…What have I gotten myself into? 😉
Um, you are CRA-AY-ZAY! But I love you for it. Good luck with all this writing. I’m excited that I will get to read a post from you every day. That rocks MY world. I just hope it doesn’t overwhelm yours. But your a smart lady. You know what you can handle. I look forward to both hearing more about both of these writing challenges.
I would love to read a book you wrote! Maybe a murder mystery set in Salem? If you start out with a great location and create a strong character, you can’t go wrong.
That’s a LOT of writing. Do it now, because long stints at a computer are one thing you can’t do while watching young children. Or monkeys. Or young monkey children.
Wonderful – lots of posts to read! For the novel, I think the ‘big hitters’ will give you most scope – Japan is always fascinating to westerners, Judaism (now there’s a big subject!) or travelling. Do you want to be writing a novel on infertility as well as blogging about it? If writing your novel is about escapism, then I’d leave it alone. I wouldn’t go for a murder mystery unless you have a sure fire plot of who dunnit, why and how – I always find that kind of plot difficult.
Ah now, you’re inspiring me to get my act together and finish off the book that I’ve partly written. I’ve done seven chapters, and I have the plot so I just have to push on with the rest. Good luck with yours!
Wow! I’m impressed! Both NaBloPoMo and NANOWRIMO! You go Keiko! 🙂
I’m trying NaBloPoMo for the first time ever/this month and am excited and a bit scared. I know I *can* do it, but will I actually follow through? I think/hope that I do.
As for what you should write about for NANOWRIMO… You shared a lot of great suggestions! I am always fascinated by the whole Free Masons thing, so many of our presidents have been. When I lived in London for a semester in college I knew these two guys (Americans also studying abroad) who were obsessed w/ Masons and thought they “secretly” ran/ruled the world. I went home and found out that a bunch of my childhood friends’ dads were members. I had never really heard about it much before then. I have a BIL who is one, but besides that don’t know many people (that I am aware of at least), who are involved. So I would find a book about that very interesting!
Excited to find out what you choose to write about. I believe in you and wish you the best! I will try to get back here regularly this month to support you and follow your progress. I would love some NaBloPoMo love on my blog too!
Yay for November writing exercises! We can do it! 🙂
Good luck!!