First, I want to thank everyone who commented and shared my post yesterday about my dad’s 9/11 story. It really meant a lot to him to read your kind words and thoughts, and it’s really meant a lot to me that folks have been so impacted by it. I’m one of the lucky ones whose dad came home that day and my heart goes out to all those affected by 9/11, even ten years later.
So with that, I need to move on to happier topics… because I have a LOT of them for one post! LOTS of exciting news, folks.
Exciting news, the first:
I’ve been awarded one of 10 Health Impact Awards from!
My husband totally rocks and nominated me… and I won! I am in some truly awesome company and I’m deeply honored. The Health Impact Award is “granted to organizations and individuals who make the biggest impact on the lives of patients and other people in their fields.” Criteria for the award includes providing emotional and physical support and education for patients, improving accessibility and affordability of care, raising awareness of significant health issues, promoting prevention and proactive care, and driving and inspiring innovation.
Damn, Larry – you gonna make a girl blush!
I’m truly and deeply honored and humbled to be recognized for the work for this community about which I care so much. Thank you to the love of my life, Larry, for nominating me, and to for recognizing the value of grassroots advocacy for the infertility community.
You can read the full announcement from’s newsletter and see the other nine very deserving winners.
*happy dance*
Exciting news, part deux:
I’ll be appearing tonight on The Fertility Forum online podcast hosted by Phyllis Martin, M.Ed., LPC at 9pm EST.
You can tune in live tonight and call in or send in your questions via IM. We’ll be chatting about PCOS and all things infertility tonight. Tune in tonight and join in the conversation!
Exciting news, part three’s a lucky number:
I’ve written a piece for this quarter’s “RESOLVE: For the Journey and Beyond” Newsletter published by RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association.
If you’re a RESOLVE member, it should be in your mailboxes now! Not a member or don’t get their newsletter? Get it here!
And finally, totally awesomesauce news the fourth:
I can officially announce I have been selected as the Director of Communications & Social Media for RESOLVE of New England.
I’m excited about working for an organization that means so much to me in a professional capacity and I’m joined by two fabulous women: Erin Lasker, our new Executive Director and Jennifer Delaney, our Strategic Advisor.
I still have my day job working in higher ed, but I’m fully on the path to finding another full or part-time position in line with my writing and social media goals to replace it.
You can read the full announcement here online at RESOLVE of New England’s Facebook page. (Ha, see what I did there? Director of Social Media for the win 🙂 Oh by the way, are you following RESOLVE of New England on Twitter yet? You should. Go do it now.)
Everything’s comin’ up Milhouse.
Congratulations on all of your wonderful news!
Good for you, Keiko, Bravo!
Wow. Congrats, congrats, and congrats! Fantastic news all around, and all well deserved. 🙂
Great news! Very inspiring… thanks for all you do for our community. 🙂
Thanks so much – I never handle compliments well but this was all too much good stuff that I couldn’t not share.
Huge congrats! I’m so glad to see you get the recognition that you deserve.
Thank you so much 🙂
Damn! (In a good way. 🙂 You rock … in so many ways! Thanks for sharing your news with us, and for inspiring and educating so many women!!
Lol, thanks 🙂
Congrats on your award! That is awesome. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of it. And congrats on your new position at RESOLVE! They are luck to have you! So much wonderful news. Thanks for sharing some of your happiness with us.
Thanks so much – I’m excited to be able to give back to an organization that means so much to me.
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
Thank you, thank you, thank you 😉
Congratulations Keiko! You are getting closer to your goals.. Good for you.
So close I can practically taste it 🙂 Thank you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! On all counts. Wellsphere, FertilityForum and ResolveNE are all very smart organizations. Yay for Keiko!
Thanks so much!