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Doc Awesome: Artist’s rendition. |
My second opinion appointment went really well yesterday. The staff at the clinic were very professional and rather friendly. I tweeted from the office that the patients sitting in the waiting room, however, looked a bit somber, but I can’t blame them. It just made the contrast between the friendliness of the staff that much more apparent.
Dr. “I have an incredibly awesome/sexy South African accent” who I suppose I should just shorten to Doc Awesome was equally as warm and friendly. (I would’ve called him Dr. Sexy, but that’s reserved for our vet: a post for another day.) I came armed with my list of a dozen questions and a folder full of test results. What astounded me was that I didn’t have to sit and give my schpiel (menarch at 9, PCOS Dx at 18, ovary out the same year, thyroid problems at 20, POF/Hashi’s at 26 blah blah blah)… he had actually read my file prior to my appointment and was able to give me my own summary back to me.
I find this astounding because with Dr. G, I could count on at least 20 minutes of repeat dialogue at every appointment, including having to go through my medical history at nearly every other appointment. Egads, a doctor that does his homework?? What is the world coming to?
Doc Awesome let me ask my myriad questions and many of the answers were ones that I had expected. Based on my various hormonal tests throughout the last year, it’s POF. And like any POF-er, it’s entirely possible to experience spontaneous ovarian function and even become pregnant, but that occurs in about 1% or less of the POF population. Bummer.
That being said, Doc Awesome said I’m a fantastic candidate for donor egg, and that POF-er’s in general usually are great candidates for DE/IVF. Doc Awesome also oversees all of the donor cycles at this clinic, so I’m in capable hands. They run pretty aggressive treatments for donors and say they get as many as 20 eggs in one shot. Their success rates are also well into the 50-60% range with DE. I asked if my Hashi’s could play in a role in the success of DE/IVF and he said that so long as it’s maintained, it’s a non-issue.
As far at the actual cycle itself, once we pick a donor and she is screened (and the screening process at this clinic is intimidating bordering on absurd- his words, not mine), I’d stop taking my birth control pills and switch to estrogen only. Meanwhile, she’d go on a stim protocol and trigger. The day of retrieval, Larry obviously has to do his thing in a cup, I’ll add progesterone gel (sounds goo-tastic!), and the eggs are retrieved from the donor. Depending on how Larry’s army looks, we’ll either let them do the rumba in the petri dish or directly inject his sperm into the egg via ICSI. About 4 days later, I would come in for a 10 minute procedure to insert either 1 or 2 embryos into my lady parts… and then, voila, the 2ww. Should I choose, I can also add an hour of acupuncture/pressure before and about 45 minutes of the same after the transfer. All told, apart from the actual transfer and using donor gametes, it’s par-for-par hormonally and experientially as any other woman experiencing pregnancy.
I mean, I wouldn’t even get the giganto box o’ needles from the fertility pharmacy. I could avoid needles.
This is huge for me folks. Huge.
All told, we’re looking at about $15-17K when you factor in donor agency fees, donor fees, legal feels, and donor screening. (It seems silly that insurance wouldn’t cover donor screening, since they are medical procedures, but apparently it’s the one medical part of the process they don’t cover, which can run anywhere from $2-4K.)
I’m not going to lie: this is WAY cheaper and potentially faster than adoption. And given my age, my other relative health, there’s a good chance of this working on the first shot. I know DE/IVF is no guarantee, but even Larry brought up the point: if it didn’t work, we would potentially still have other embryos on ice to work with again, given the aggressive retrieval protocol they run on donors.
And you know what? I do want to experience pregnancy and birth. I have resolved that I’ll still be just as much of a woman and mother if I don’t, but the pregnancy experience is still important to me after all. There’s also a good bit of halachic vaguery about the Jewish status of a child born via donor egg, so believe it or not, according to Jewish law, donor egg is easier to navigate that adoption. I wouldn’t necessarily need a Jewish donor if pursuing DE/IVF, but absolutely would need a Jewish birthmother if pursuing adoption, domestic or international.
After talking the appointment through with Larry yesterday, I think we’re changing our minds… again. Once we save up the money, we’re going to go for DE/IVF. I don’t think adoption is off the table for us completely, but just not as our first shot.
In sum: Doc Awesome is pretty awesome. (He even complimented me for coming in armed with all of my info noting that I was “a lot more researched than the average patient, which is a great thing.”) And when we’re ready to go for donor egg… we’ll be going with him. I feel really confident in his ability and he has a wonderful candor and sense of professionalism.
So yeah, there you have it. Donor egg is back on the table… and I’m really excited about it. The timeline all depends on how quickly we can hide away the cash, but I think we could probably do this by the end of next year.
I suppose I should start working on a new blog header image this weekend!
Best of luck w/ Dr. Awesome 🙂 I also live in MA and I am 99% sure I know the identity of Dr. Awesome as I was his patient last year. He is very comnpassionate. Hopefully the DE works on the first try!
Best of luck w/ Dr. Awesome 🙂 I also live in MA and I am 99% sure I know the identity of Dr. Awesome as I was his patient last year. He is very comnpassionate. Hopefully the DE works on the first try!
Just so you know most rabbis say that you should not adopt a child whos birth mother is jewish for fear of the fact that they may grow up and marry a sibling. i don't where that comes from but that is what they say it is better to have a non-jewish birthmother and convert the baby.
yeah! I am really happy for you! I have been hoping you'd ditch Dr. G for a long time now!!!! I know someone who used Doc Awesome (I'm pretty sure..not too many sexy south african docs in Boston area), and now has….twins 🙂
This is great news! I'm so glad you found Dr. Awesome and got the 2nd! I think DE is a great solution, and I'm so glad you're on this path now. I'm sure it's hard to say "hold up – we're trying something else now." Can't wait to hear about this awesome journey! (Esp since DEs may be part of our journey some day.)
K, I had tears in my eyes when I read this!! I am so, so thrilled your meeting with new Dr. Awesome and Wonderful went well and even more thrilled that you have chosen to go this route. Wishing you luck!!
oh, instead I just switched to adoption!! 🙂
and I think that adoption is much cheaper for us (our insurance didn't cover any treatment for us)
anyway, new plans for everybody! 🙂
good luck!
This is all so fascinating and exciting! I can't wait to come along for the ride and watch you get pregnant 😀
YAAAAY for Doc Awesome!
Huzzah for a great appt!!! Have fun scheming!
So glad you had a great appointment with a great Dr.! Best of luck!!!
I am kinda POF (had a double ovary removal) and had two successful pregnancy with DE. Just wanted to tell you it can happen!
I am a fellow POF-er, just completed a cycle with frozen DE (and DS)in our case. After 4 years of unsucessful treatment, I am 9 weeks! I NEVER thought I would be here, building my family!
Best of luck.
Dr. Awesome sounds incredible! I am so excited for you.
Very exciting new plan!!
I'm glad your second opinion went well, and that DE is seeming more possible to you. I have a daughter through adoption, which was a wonderful experience, but I also have a daughter through IVF/pregnancy, which was a different but wonderful experience. They are both good ways to go-but I think that if you have the chance to be pregnant and it is important to you, you should definitely try for it. The situation with adoption is much harder than it was even a few years ago, and thus more and more couples are considering DE. I wish you the best of luck with things!
Super exciting! I also came to the same decision if this IVF cycle doesn't work. On to a donor and not doing adoption. It's just… cheaper… frankly. And I do think that is pretty darn sad. Also, the legal aspects are MUCH clearer.
I will be rooting for you.
I'm a Jewish DE/IVF patient and have spoken with a few different Rabbis (conservative and orthodox) about this. I would be happy to share what I have learned/experienced with you. Just email me if you have any questions. Good luck!
Dude, that is so exciting! And a bit peculiar because I too have a Dr. "I have an incredibly awesome/sexy South African accent" – yet we're on the opposite sides of the country from each other… interesting.
Anyway, just want to tell you how you how excited I am for you – I know finally having a plan makes it all feel so much more real… Can't wait to cheer you on!
That's so super exciting! Best of luck!
So very excited for you! Doc Awesome sounds, well awesome!
Woo Hoo!