I’d like to take this time to pimp out something I feel is rather important in the ALI blogsphere: Mel’s Lost and Found Connections Abound (LFCA). Think of it as a semi-daily digest of all the happenings in the ALI blogosphere: quick announcements of our joys like birthdays, and anniversaries, to our lows like loss announcements and remembrances. New blogs get their shout outs and folks who just need a little extra support for whatever reason get their love too. New projects or questions to the community are also announced. It is a phenomenal resource out there, exposing us to new blogs and journeys, allowing us to reconnect with others, and generally feeds into a greater sense of good karma.
You may notice the brown LFCA icon a little ways down on my right sidebar, “Please submit my news to the LFCA.” That’s because the LFCA only happens because we make it happen (and because Mel is awesome in compiling it all together). It requires the active engagement of the ALI blogosphere to not only bring the news of our peers to our peers, but to share that news and comment appropriately. Like I said, it’s some seriously good karma to be a part of the LFCA.
“But why participate?” you might be asking. I’ll explain why I do it with a little diversion into Judaism. In Judaism there is the concept of tzedaka (charity). I use the term charity loosely as it’s not a choice, but an obligation. When I converted to Judaism, I remember scratching my head at the required donation to the synagogue as part of my formal conversion ceremony. My rabbi explained it thus: “Instead of dollars, think of it as good things. You put good things out in the Universe, you get good things back.”
So why participate? Well, you have a chance to put good things out in the Universe. The LFCA only publishes about 3-4 times a week, so what I do is when I get on my Google Reader binge, if I find something appropriate that I think should be shared, I submit it. In fact, I usually open two tabs: my Reader in one and the LFCA in another so I can quickly copy and paste the info over.
I’m not posting this fishing for mentions on the LFCA, because trust me, if I want to, I’ll submit my own news (and I have in the past). You can submit your own news too: don’t be shy, and don’t count on other folks to necessarily do it for you. If you need the support, submit your news. Worst that happens is that you and someone else submit the same news, and Mel will pick which specific blurb will go in that particular edition.
The reason I want to highlight this is because this is actually a very simple act of advocacy you can do right as you’re catching up on your blogs. By supporting others, you’re helping out the whole community. And if you’re not “out” about your IF status, this is a great way to be able to advocate for others while still remaining anonymous (all LFCA submissions are anonymous).
Catch up on the latest edition of the LFCA here. Click here to submit your news. Not sure what to submit? News breaks down into the following categories: Miscellaneous news (questions, non-IF announcements, community projects, invite only, etc); Birthdays, anniversaries, or blogoversaries; Loss remembrances; Loss announcements; Miscellaneous support or celebrations (directing support where it is needed); Bedrest babes; Pregnancy announcements and news; Birth and adoption announcements.
Now start spreading the news and pump out good things into the Universe!
I love LFCA!
Great reminder. I had never heard of LFCA until my news was submitted a couple months ago, and now I am faithful reader. I just have to submit more and this post, along with Mel's today reminded me of that. I love having the support for others and giving support to others too as needed.
Preach it sister. Preach it!
Thank you beyond thank you for posting this. I think it's one of the ways our community is unique. I think we need more support and we need to exchange information more than other communities too, so it makes sense to have a hub that sends people out in a multitude of directions. And all are welcome to use it. If you belong on the blogroll, your news belongs on the LFCA.
Aweome reminder! I will be reposting something like this tonight. I need to figure out how to add that button to my blog as well.
Thank you for this post. I am a big believer and follwer of the LFCA, and it's important that it gets the attention it deserves.
Karma indeed.
As a newbie to the community, I am so grateful to Mel for hosting Lost and Found, and to all of you who make it happen. I especially love that it is so inclusive and that everyone is invited to participate. It really makes me feel welcome. I feel like submitting news is one tiny little thing that I can do to 'give' to this amazing ALI resource.
I agree, it's an awesome reminder…
and I will start to read it daily along with my blog girlfriends.
You were the "Kick in the Ass' I needed on this one
thinking of you
Keiko, awesome reminder. Thanks for being such a strong member of our little community.